Which Path Did You Take?

Just for you. Best cinematic for the bestest boi in WoW :wolf:


One of the best cinematics in the whole game.

YOU TOOK MY FUTURE! and now i have taken yours.


You just couldn’t help but mention Night Elves when there was no need to. You doing that really makes it seem that you’re looking to argue with Night Elf fans whenever the subject isn’t about that. Your obsession is on full display here. You really went “Yeah there’s these undead but it’s criminal that womenNight Elves exist!” You could’ve made your point properly without making an unrelated jab.

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That cinematic made Genn from a tier 3 side character to main one.

I wish more Alliance leaders could be more like Genn.

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This. The true modern day Horde based on honor, established by Thrall…


It’s a great cinematic, but he didn’t know about this before he attacked.

I was limited to the “stuffed in a refrigerator for cheap drama” path.

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I stood with garrosh until after the siege of orgrimmar. A tyrant has no duty in traveling to another world, and must understand what their world offers is what best fits its destiny.

Then again nozdormu was first mover, so maybe I should feel bad for garrosh behind something incomprehensible to a mortal, the strength of his soul shall echo through the halls of torghast forever.

I’ve….always had a problem with it?

Ever since Cataclysm introduced their new method of killing and directly converting their enemies’ fallen.

I’ve always said this direction was terrible and actively detractive from their original themes of being scorned for their outwardly appearances. Like, how am I supposed to empathize with these guys when they behave little better than a literal villain faction in-universe? These aren’t liberators of the abused, they’re the enslavers and the abusers.

It’s literally the same crap as having Thrall condoning slavery(even having a slave owner as one of his advisors) and allowing the use of a public arena for gladiatorial slave fights.

They’ve been killing and raising other peoples’ dead since Cataclysm, the only thing BfA introduced was Sylvanas’ over-the-top levels of villainy.

It’s honestly baffling how people can be shocked that godawful themes introduced in Cata are still awful(if not moreso) when an expansion shines a bigger spotlight on it.


Just because you dislike something, doesn’t mean 1) It’s awful or 2) That people will agree with your opinion.

And judging the people who love either sylvanas or the forsaken as a whole, I dare say you’re in the minority with your opinion :wolf:

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I think you missed the part where they were basically a villain faction since the start of WoW. The Forsaken have always been the most evil good guys available, that didn’t suddenly come in with the Val’kyr.

Ok so I guess cope and seethe then? Idk what to tell ya.

If you want a racial fantasy that depends on murdering other player factions and raising their dead, that’s cool, just stop crying about how nobody in-universe likes the idea of killing and raising people from the dead lmao.

I mean, considering how the Forsaken aren’t even among the top 3 most popular races in WoW and judging by how said fanbase itself is divided between how many people enjoy the race itself vs how many enjoy it for the character of Sylvanas.

I’d say whichever part of that fanbase you’re speaking for is more of a minority than I am. :fire:

Ok, but the introduction of the Val’kyr is when their racial fantasy went overdrive on becoming about the aggressive procreation of additional Forsaken as opposed to preservation and fortification of their own.


I mean, so far the only person crying about that is you Shrug


Is that really so different when the ‘preservation’ of their own is centered on the creation of a bioweapon for use against anything and everyone? The Forsaken have always had the undercurrent of ‘murder other factions’ running through their story, the devs just made it so they weren’t actively at war.

Similarly, raising the dead doesn’t always require Horde v Alliance in order to facilitate.
The Scarlets managed to survive the complete destruction of their forces three times and go for another round, so it’s not like Blizzard can’t magic up ‘acceptable’ targets for the Forsaken to kill and convert.


I guess we can’t all have the chugs felblood and becomes hyper agressive and blow up our own home, but it’s okay because we feel sad about it racial fantasy.


I was going to say, there’s a delicious irony to people liking the genocidal maniacs called the Orcs, but heaven forbid the forsaken replenish their ranks with already dead people or long dead ones. :wolf:


Who the heck gave ORCS moral superiority? That’s whack.

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Saurfang admits the Orcs have no morals apparently. Or any concept of Honor :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m still slightly salty that Saurfang suggests that Orgrim Doomhammer is the same kind of warchief as Blackhand or BfA Sylvanas.

EDIT: Looking back over the cinematic I apparently misremembered the line, it’s more open to interpretation how he feels. Just weird that he completely skips over Doomhammer (he also skips Garrosh, but his feelings on him are pretty clear anyway) when talking about the legacy of the Horde.

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It was certainly a weird suggestion to make. Orgrim at least had a sense of duty to his people. He genuinely wanted to make a new home for them and find a way to keep them from constantly infighting.

Doomhammer is probably the ONLY great warchief the orcs ever had in my opinion. :wolf: