When will the Level scaling issues be resolved for older dungeons & raids?

Oh, what’s this?.. it seems to me an 8TB HDD on Amazon for $160.


That’s kind of werid… :thinking:

Wonder what else is there. Oh gum! i love gum. :kissing:

it’s pre-chewed.

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/blows soap bubbles. :kissing: :soap:

Soap flavor. :yum:

I don’t understand what’s going on here :rofl:


If the squish didn’t happen, we’d be steam rolling Legion raids? For some UNKNOWN reason Blizz is refusing to address the issue and I can’t guess why. Nerf all the Legion raid bosses hp by 90% :man_shrugging: Add an Hellscreams Warsong buff to the raids I dunno. A good bit of people were expecting to be able to solo Legion content, we were told we’d be able to, we should have been able to but alas we cannot.
Why are they pretending they don’t know what’s going on :rofl:

What? What do you mean Kaurmine? Can’t solo Legion content preposterous! I demand specific examples

Get outta here


they quite literally asked for specific examples.

jeez louise.

start a thread asking for people to post specifics… not just “it’s broken, fix it!”

character level, gear level, zone/raid/instance, combat logs blah blah

so those specific things can be looked into.

last time we squished, it took a little while to iron all this stuff out, and it wasn’t just “a blanket fix”.
some stuff acts differently to other stuff… especially raid bosses.

Are you drunk or high? They must be giddy with delight that people actually want to run the old stuff for insignificant fluff like transmog and mounts.

Ah you missed the point of what I was saying lol

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that thread is from pre-launch.
…and the final post in the thread seems to disagree with what other people are saying here :zipper_mouth_face:

…which is exactly why lots of specifics are needed.

probably… it just got to melting point here… the aircon can’t keep up, and i’m in a puddle of my own skin-juice. :laughing:
brain no worky.

A big part of the problem is the older content is scaling with our Shadowlands gear. That shouldn’t happen. It’s both instanced content and open world, it’s all scaling to our SL item levels.


It’s all good :+1: I know they asked for specific examples but I don’t understand why they need them?
Take your happy butts to M Antorus or M ToS and try to clear it solo and you’ll have your specific example. People are saying they can’t solo Legion content it’s not the quests, it’s not WQs, I don’t see anyone complaining about dungeons, it can only be one thing left.

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Ya, I just got the base game a few weeks before SL released and there was a grand total of 7 campaign missions. I could go to Europa and when I did I found I had no idea wtf was going on with the story so I left. Then I ground out some XP so the moon would open up, and the same there there. Had no idea wtf was going on with the story.

Then I found out they removed most of the base game’s campaign quest. So I quit playing.

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These reports were given. IN beta. And Week 1 and 2 of SL.

Lots of mythic spammers went back and got a surprise at 184…legion wasn’t working well. The fan boys said well its always like that.

Nope…BFA even good gear from open world had WoD steamroller time. Legion is 2 expacs back to SL like WoD was to BFA.

For it to be like this is is rather odd. Like not on accident odd.

Also Initially we wrote it off as they didn’t want gold farms. BUt…the gold nerf for BFA is now in place. So there went that idea.


There’s nothing mystical about my post. Go run legion raids right now. The difference is night and day finally. It’s not perfect but it’s improved significantly.

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Not saying they will do this, but you know how you can still level in Uldum, or do Black Empire assaults there? They could have chosen not to put that dragon in that allows you to toggle it back. They could leave Northrend but overwrite all of the content.

I don’t think they will because they don’t have to and they get the $15 no matter what phase you’re playing in. But they could.

As much as TBC at the time was an amazing game, trying Chromie time in Outland makes me wonder how far off we are from them closing the Dark Portal and calling it a wrap. It’s a painful juxtaposition between it and current content; an exercise in masochism if you’re actually trying to level up. As nostalgic as I am for the era I loved, it’s a distinct “you can never go home again” feeling.

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There you go. Straight from Ion’s mouth. Everything is fine and working as intended. We all just need better gear.

What a disconnected response. Really serves to illustrate that he isn’t communicating much with anyone responsible for filtering our feedback back to the dev team.


I wish.

I’m sure they’re perfectly aware that people - LOTS of people - run the old stuff for what you call “insignificant fluff” (spoiler: not everyone plays the game for the same reasons you do, and all reasons are equally valid).

You also missed the intended humour in my post, though with that attitude I’m not surprised.

It would not be outside the realm of possibility, however, if the devs decided to “make old content more meaningful™” by tuning it up to make it take longer to kill or require gearing up in Shadowlands.

They’ve got form with this (such as with the scaling of the entire old world), and Ion’s on record multiple times stating that stomping old content is “not fun”.

Hey at least you have an aircon! I just moved into a place without one and it’s been stupid hot the last two days. Brain no worky here either :smiley:

The real shame of it is that the original D2 campaign was REALLY good, a hugely cinematic thing that was a cohesive story and set up the stuff that’s now left in the game with no explanation.

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Guys, let’s hold up for a second:

Go run the raids you used to be able to run now. Seriously. Something was changed today (probably minutes after Ion said everything was working as intended). There is a significant difference now. Is it 100%? No. Is it remarkably better? Yes.

My only gripe at this point is Ion brushing it off. At least Legion raids are once again doable now.


Ran to M ToS got ooked in the dooker :+1:

What does this even mean? Did you wipe on something? If so which boss? I only did my kill time tests on LFR bosses so I’m interested in this.

Also, your level and ilvl?