Old raids no longer soloable


Just tested now:

Fastest kill time on LFR Goroth is 24 seconds, and was achieved as a 120. Last week it was 33 seconds. Today it’s 28 seconds. There’s also a marked difference in that I took next to no damage this time around.

Same with LFR Harjatan. Last week - 34 seconds, today - 28 with next to no damage taken. fastest as a 120 was also 24 seconds.

Sassz’ine took longer - 39 seconds vs 37 seconds, with fastest kill (as 120) being 28 seconds. No damage taken though.

The nice test - LFR Aggy, which has been a major sore spot - 45 seconds as a 120, a couple days ago was 78 seconds, today was 59 seconds, with almost no damage taken.

Is anyone else seeing improvements in Legion raids? I still don’t see the same attack power levels as 120 (roughly 20% less) but this is much, much more pleasant than it’s been since the start of prepatch as bosses are going down before wipe mechanics and I’m not getting my face wrecked by damage.

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