When will the Level scaling issues be resolved for older dungeons & raids?


So, I was just in a (30) man raid group of all Level 60s trying to the Battle for Dazar’alor raid on Mythic difficulty, And I’ve noticed that we could barely kill the first boss. On the second boss we couldn’t get him down to 50% without just over half the raid dying.

It appears to me, That we had more power at Level 120 in BFA than we got now at the new cap of Level 60 at this time. As a result of this, We are unable to do BFA or other older dungeons - Even if in a group.

So when is Blizzard going to fix the scaling issues that will make this easier to do as a group? I’ve literally given up running older content now due to this issue. Hoping it’s fixed soon.


Conspiracy theory: they WANT people to stop running old content, so they can remove it from the game just like Destiny 2 did. One day you’ll log into WoW and the latest expansion (or is that “season” now?) will be all that’s there. Want the old content? It’s in the vault! Maybe sometime in the future it’ll be “unvaulted” as tuned-up max-level content, but going through and stomping those old instances will be something only reflected in your “legacy”.

Sounds far-fetched, but Destiny 2 got away with it somehow (permanently removing $150 of paid content from the game in the process), and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Blizzard was watching with interest.

The silence from Blizzard on this topic is deafening - and very worrying.


I hope they’re ignoring the scaling issue to focus manpower on getting SL to a stable “tuned” state. Maybe in a couple of weeks when the servers aren’t on fire?

I would be livid if Blizz went with a D2 model. There’s something so cathartic about going back and roflstomping a boss that I hated when it was current.


Destiny 2 removes the old Content of their game?

They did with the latest expansion. I guess the justification was to reduce game size, make it run more efficiently, and ease balancing by removing old gear with good effects.

Maybe they’re preparing the way for WoW2

We dont know and probably will never know. The only time they open their mouths these days is when they want to sell us on some idea or product.


February 30th.

Mark your calendars.

Simple communication on this would be appreciated. Either confirm if this is intended or not.


Agreed OP.

Please give your support for this thread and send/show blizzard. We need change and we needed it yesterday.



This stopped me from getting Destiny 2, because you are still required to buy all the other DLC you cant even access.

Also OP, forgive me if I am totally wrong here, but are greens able to bring bugs etc to the attention of devs? If so I really hope you can take these threads to them, it feels like my thread and the many peeps support of it has slipped past blizzard and I really feel they need to know the issue wasn’t fixed with the last hotfix (that was supposedly meant to fix at the very least world mobs).

Any attention being brought to the issue would be fantastic :smiley:

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The sooner old content is as easy as it was before the squish, the more likely ill buy the next expansion. Soloing old content for mogs and gold is what keeps me in the game.


I would agree that they don’t want to support old content and they want people to spend their time pumping up their participation metrics in new content.

But I think it’s more a matter of the idea that there’s only one possible way to play the game right™, which is how Ion plays. Ion is an old time vet who is now a raid logger. He doesn’t do his chores - well, you need to do your chores. He doesn’t play alts, he doesn’t do professions, he doesn’t do transmog, and he thinks it’s not fun to smash old content.


Yep, exactly - he’s repeatedly and explicitly stated this on multiple occasions, such as the long-gone Q&A streams, and every time I’ve been almost yelling at the screen “that’s TAUREN DUST!!!”

I get that he comes from a hardcore raid background, is still part of the tiny percentage that raids at a mythic level and wants everything to be “dangerous” and a “challenge” because that sort of thing satisfies a hardcore raider’s appetite for conquering stuff, but surely - SURELY - as game director, he’s taken the time to appreciate the many different ways that a large amount of the player base get enjoyment out of the game. Well, you’d hope so, anyway - but in an expansion where the world’s been tuned to be “hard again,” loot is non-existent unless you do Mythic+ or raid, the fun-during-alpha Torghast has released as a frustrating “challenge mode” raid-trash-simulator that can’t be avoided because story and progression is innately tied to it, The Maw has group quests with the group button removed so the only people who can do them are challenge junkies and top-geared players…

You’ve really gotta wonder where they’re trying to take the game at this point.

Do they want Wildstar’s success? Because this is how you get Wildstar’s success.


Destiny 2 doesn’t have a monthly subscription, so it makes sense. They want people to continue buying expansions.

WoW is a subscription based game. If they ever did that people would unsubscribe immediately. It’s still content people pay for, unlike Destiny.

Well, I bought the Destiny 2 base game and its expansion pass back when it released, and almost ALL of that content has now been completely removed - campaigns, quests, items, planets, all gone. And all of it was content that people paid for; their excuse was “only 10% of the playerbase uses it”.

Now, imagine if Blizzard said that about Ulduar.

WoW sells expansions and then game time; Destiny 2 sells expansions and then a subscription to “seasons”. They’re not as far apart as you might think (hell, I think Bungie FINALLY even admitted that Destiny 2 is a MMO :wink: )

It’s coming.

It’s no longer bought content. Doesn’t matter that we all paid for it as it’s now included with just a sub.

The path they’re heading down is not a good one.

But again, Destiny is a buy once model and they don’t care if you stop playing old content because they got their money already.

There are a lot of pet and mount collectors who still play old content in WoW. It wouldn’t be worth the risk getting rid of it all. I don’t see it happening unless they got rid of the Monthly sub.

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I was one of the only people that campaigned against losing 60 levels. My fears have been realized. People boasted about faster leveling, but didn’t see the big picture like I did.