When will the Level scaling issues be resolved for older dungeons & raids?

The first boss, he’s insurmountable. Probably will have to wait till 65 or 70 :weary:

I’m going to go there right now and see how it goes. I took 0 damage from him in LFR so let’s see how M is.

February 24 I get my new AirPods Max silver/Blue headphones!!!

I think I’ll just do what the other collectors do and start with classic content and work my way up. The amount of time it’ll take to collect all possible xmog from Vanilla to Legion should be sufficiently long enough that this problem won’t exist by the time I get to Legion.

I’m at Goroth now. Has 3013k health.

M Goroth wrecked me. I got him down to 68%. I have no previous recorded kills of him though, so I have no comparison here.

I’m going to try heroic now.

EDIT: Goroth on Heroic had 1019k health and went down in 49 seconds. I had no previous kills of him to compare though.

Yeah being able to solo Legion raids was all I really wanted from SL lol. Everything else about SL is irrelevant

Were you able to solo M Goroth before?

I’m going to try Mythic Nighthold real quick for a comparison. I’ve cleared that prevously.

Of course not lol but I assume without the squish barring unforseen bugs I would have been able to as I would have been 20 levels higher than the content (level 130)

You might be able to kill Skorp, I tried it on beta and with victory rush working on his little babies I was able to keep myself up but it took so long at I think 190 ilvl? I just alt+f4’d

M Skorp went down in 86 seconds. Had 1626k health. I did get stunned for 6. My 120 kill was 44 seconds, so there’s still an issue there. I took next to no damage though.

I’ll just wait till next xpac and hope there’s not another squish :weary:

So here’s a good one for you…

M Chronomatic: 120 kill was 124 seconds. Today’s kill was 82 seconds. If I recall I was getting hit hard with damage as a 120, whereas tonight I was only getting tickled and could ignore the mechanics.

I should go ahead and post this as well - my 120 kills were done on 479 ilvl (mythic geared, 132 post-squish). I’m 175 ilvl at 60 right now.

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M Trilliax: 120 Kill 87 seconds, tonight was 86. I want to note that some of his mechanics are still hitting hard - his AOE beam still 2-shots and whatever weird enraged mode he goes in hurts a little too, but I could ignore everything else.

So here’s what I’m seeing based on tonight’s runs:

  1. The legacy buff is indeed working.

  2. At level 60 and ilvl 175, power is somewhere around the neighborhood of where I was as a 479 120.

  3. There’s something wrong with DoTs. DoTs are hurting like hell. Melee damage and such isn’t an issue, but DoTs are still very powerful (see: M Goroth’s burning armor). I experienced this briefly with M Trilliax as well.

  4. I see things getting better as I get geared better.

  5. Is there exactly where I wanted to be? No. Can I live with this? Yes, especially since it’s clear there’s a short path forward.

  6. Ion blowing us off with his answer today was a slap in the face, and I thank Sloot for raising the question because it’s just so coincidental how things are largely working now. Bottom line is that the squish was more than they could chew, and the overall lack of communication once again left a stain. If they had simply came out and said “we’re sorry but you are going to lose some power due to the squish”, that would’ve went over much better than telling us there’s nothing to worry about and then screwing it all up.

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Final post for the night: M Spellblade was 99 seconds as a 120 and 149 seconds tonight. Her health was somewhere around 2100k as well. Mechanics were easier to deal with but it took much longer. I also did not get kill credit towards her achiev for killing her in the shaldorei terrace. Maybe that’s a mythic bug or something - who knows.

I didn’t listen to this interview, but in the summary writeup, this was mentioned:

" * Old raid tuning had a bug in the first week of Shadowlands for Legion content that made it harder as you leveled."
right before
“Old raids might be a little harder at max level now, but part of that is from your stats going down as you level. Things should get better as you get more gear and Soulbinds. Eventually your player power will exceed what it was at the end of the last expansion.”

So there was a bug fix specifically for Legion raids.

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So I went back to LFR aggy today after looting my great vault piece. Also, I’m fury and we were buffed +5% across the board.

Last night was a 59 second kill as ilvl 175 fury. As 178 fury today (with the +5% damage buff to fury), kill time was 64 seconds. It took about 10% longer to down him today, even with a +3 ilvl boost and a +5 fury warrior damage buff. That’s a little concerning to me…think I’m going to try the LFR ToS bosses again.

According to Ion this is just an unfortunate side effect of leveling up, so I have no faith in them fixing it any time soon.


Alright, the Aggy thing may have been a fluke due to rage generation or the like. LFR kill time on Goroth tonight was my best (20 seconds), previous best was 24 seconds as a 120. LFR Harja was 28 seconds again. Sass was 26 seconds, a best (better than my 28 120).

Going to try M Goroth for fun again…

M Goroth down to 33% after 99 seconds. Not going to try again - there’s a melted armor buff that increases dmg by 300%, and when stacked with burning armor and the other crazy damage going on, it’s hard to stay alive as a warrior. I can see a pally surviving this though.

Recent interview reveals it is a ‘working as intended’ narrative. They won’t concede that they messed up the scaling this time, and I doubt there will be a fix anytime soon though.

Don’t worry! All you need to do is get to 200+ ilvl and you should probably be able to clear it, lmao. What a joke :laughing: