When will the Level scaling issues be resolved for older dungeons & raids?

As a tmog collector I also want to know this. The power loss in old content from the end of BFA to now is huge.


You weren’t alone in that. What they did ran counter to all the conventions of long-term MMO progression and character investment.

There were multiple other solutions to the “levelling up doesn’t feel meaningful” ™ problem, but instead they decided their scaling tech was awesome enough to allow them to retune the entire 16 year history of the game with the misguided confidence that everything would be okay and if not, well, we’ve all got our mythic raiding guilds on hand to help out with getting that transmog, right?

Faster levelling was actually already in the game before they massively slowed it down a couple of years ago at the same time they introduced scaling. Now they’ve sold us this “sped up levelling” as some sort of innovation, when really it’s just putting everything back the way it was.

Classic corporate behaviour, really. Create a problem, then sell a solution to it.


And then there’s this…

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Really? There’s too much tied into the current game’s cultural norm on a consecutive level between lore, starting levels, cities, etc. How are they going to remove something like The Lich King expansion and still intertwine it into today’s story? I don’t know about your theory.

It’s not a theory, just a “what if”, based on the fact that the devs have seemed recklessly happy to ignore players’ love for running older content, along with Ion’s repeated claims that doing so is “not fun.”


I can tell you’re interested in writing based on how you type. Good stuff! Verily, the period at the end of a quoted sentence goes, “like this, my friend.”

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I’ve done it for a living for quite a few years now :slight_smile:

I’m well aware, but it’s the forums. Casual, social discussion, not formal writing. Little things like that generally aren’t worth the edit. To please you, however, fellow Blood Elf, I shall oblige :wink:

My eyes must be deceiving me. A green thread that is on our side and not telling us to learn how to play our class, or get to 60, or get a mythic SL set? Pinch me I’m clearly dreaming.


From Sloot’s interview with Ion just now, as quoted by Wowhead:

Any plans to fix old raid tuning?

They’re curious to hear specific examples. There was a bug in the first week of Shadowlands where the scaling benefit against Legion content went down as you leveled. That should be working as intended. Players who compared themselves at the end of the last expansion and the beginning of this expansion and find that it’s taking longer is an unfortunate thing about leveling up in WoW and the way combat ratings work.

So yep, looks like it’s a design choice and won’t be changing. Sigh.

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did you read what you just posted?

the very first line says they’re seeking specific examples.

as with any sort of squish, some bosses will fly under the radar and need individual tuning due to mechanics.

they are using lots of works to cover up.

The answer is simple. Most have issues with the first boss on mythic legion. So…they can fix boss 1. then we can see if boss 2 is broken I guess. But if boss 1 is borked, safe bet is the follow ups are too.

Also the scaling is off open world. All of Naz’s elites are massive HP sinks. Even at 170. Since raid and dungeon can be similar levels of HP and such here enters dungeon/raid issues.

On mythic the longer a boss lives the more chances for mechanics to start up and kill you. This is why better handled scalings like say wod or going really old outland work.

Mythic boss can have the mechanic from hell…they are dead or in rp trigger before the end of their first monologue to even think about using that mechanic.

Also scaling with AOE cap…hurts. Adds with CC in the past relied on mass AOE. IIRC correctly even in BT you now want to avoid the harems. They can basically put you in CC lock. Since with a 5 aoe cap you pull 20 of them…kill 5…15 are left to CC lock you.

Seems Ion thinks its normal if going by the interview.

Really think this team should go work on hearthstone.


Its not a specific boss, the level squish screwed up scaling across the board. Took a level 30 rogue, prev 90, into black temple and couldn’t even clear the first boss. Legion bosses are barely getting hit harder than SL mobs. The buff should be increasing your damage as the gap increases, not getting smaller. Canceled my sub until they get their heads out of ions rear and fix this trash heap. Legacy farming is most of what I do at max level.


I’m still farming some BfA mounts/toys from darkshore, arathi, mechagon, etc and mobs are taking longer to kill at 60 than they did at 50.

Rares that were once trivial are like mini raid bosses now.

This is just completely absurd and unacceptable. This needs to be addressed.


…and this is exactly the type of information which is being sought.

And they’ve been given specific examples for weeks now, on their very own forums.

It sounds, to me, much more like an approach we’ve heard before from the devs: “we think everything’s working fine, but if anyone’s got a complaint, put it in writing and we’ll file it in the bottom drawer.”

It’s not just particular instances. It’s the entire overworld that we were cheerfully destroying before the pre-patch, which was clearly deliberately tuned to be “hard again” (i.e. tedious) at 50 after the pre-patch, and which REMAINS tuned that way at 60.

The silence from the devs on the subject implies that it’s no bug or accident.

No need to be patronising about it. This is exactly the type of information that’s been being provided for weeks across multiple threads. I’m surprised you managed to miss them all.

giving praise is being patronising?
lol ok.

i have.

…which seems strange considering how much time i spend here, in multiple forum sections.

i’d ask you to point me to a few… but…

i suppose that would be patronising too.

Why? Just go and try to solo M ToS? You don’t need any specific example because you won’t be getting past the first boss :rofl:

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Hey don’t worry man, Ion thinks that there is no problem at all. It’s all about your secondary stats, they just aren’t high enough yet.

They’re curious to hear specific examples. There was a bug in the first week of Shadowlands where the scaling benefit against Legion content went down as you leveled. That should be working as intended. Players who compared themselves at the end of the last expansion and the beginning of this expansion and find that it’s talking longer is an unfortunate thing about leveling up in WoW and the way combat ratings work.

That’s a quote from the most recent interview. Obviously he doesn’t play this game and nor do many of the developers at Blizzard. Doing a normal BFA dungeon takes 3x as long as a SL dungeon.

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so uh… that would be a specific example.


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