When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

Still, the games which use that philosophy do as much.

I do some old content in FF for farming, and on top of being scaled down to match the level of the content, the loot I get scales up to match my level. Ofc it is not better than what I have now, because it has been some time, but if I was entry 80 lvl, I could make use of such gear, or I could even donate it to my gand company (the thing Blizzard tried to copy as covenants and failed) and buy materials to craft better gear.

I doubt Blizz would do that unless they disabled all the legacy effects because some things even at a lower ilvl would still be amazing because of how they work

And knowing Blizz they aren’t going to go through every single drop from every raid to nerf all the gear :laughing:

Also it sounds like you’re making Direstorms old request

You can do old content easier in FFXIV by selecting undersized party.

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MSQ is mostly 8 man trials, besides the three raids you have to do as part of story. Not all raids are required to complete the MSQ in FFXIV.

These are the raids you have to do: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Crystal_Tower_Quests

These are the raids in game:


Because most characters are 150-180 and not close to 240. You’re an exception to the norm. Regular players don’t raid, you’re part of the 10%. You don’t speak for anyone but the 10%.

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How are you 180 when Korthia gives 210 gear for daily quests that can be upgraded by casuals to 233?

Because better gear starts to drop in 9.2. It’s just a box stop before we get the actual meaningful equipment for alts.

Good luck! I couldn’t even do Heroic Antorus on my Mage until I was closer to 220. Couldn’t make it past the 2nd boss. Forget about Mythic. Not as a Mage at that ilvl.

What a stupid idea


Yes your brains can’t handle it.

Well since Blizzard has changed their stance on allowing players to solo old content for some reason we most likely won’t ever get the needed damage buffs for Legion.

Managed to get first 4 down in antorus, did have to resort to using heart of azeroth for AHC/Dogs, garothi and portal were a joke. Couldn’t quite get eonar, but issue was not killing stuff too slow. could have done it if i wanted to invest more time, but had other stuff to do

Gear was 223. 217/218 with Heart, did dogs as garothi and dogs as frost, then went fire

Id settle for 60%

My alts pull ~20k dps solid in this Legion raid content. My alts can NOT get past boss 2 in AtBT due to the chain stun/chain fear from the dogs.

Legion will be 6 years old next year.

Wrap your heads around this - an expansion that is almost 6 years old STILL has content that can NOT be solo’d as legacy…


Honestly this seems to be something that should be fixed already - why are blizzard still doing these toxic policies?

Because blizz likes to build anticipation of years before they do something everybody want :triumph:

It should be active as soon as an expansion is over in my opinion, they’re not preserving the integrity of the content, its integrity is over as soon as the next patch hits, if people like me (casual) can go back and get 100% mythic only mount drops while the expansion is still active, what integrity does it really have left? lol

This is one of the situations where i feel like Ion’s personal stance on something is going against what would actually be best for the game, what the hell is wrong with people going back and farming mog, pets, toys and 1% mount drops from last years expansion?


And that 1% is annoying as hell in like 95% of times .

I think it should be obvious by now that Blizzard is run by the worst kind of grognard.


Legion has a modifier to damage both dealt and received.
Whether or not it’s enough for some classes (or due to certain mechanics) is up for debate, but what is not up for debate is that it does have a legacy buff active.

I can kill mythic Garothi Worldbreaker (over 4 million health) in a fraction of the time it would take me to kill a BFA or SL mob with that same amount of health. I can even kill it faster than I do the first Uldir boss on LFR (who has less than a quarter of that).

Can people just not read or something? Because we’ve been getting topics like this for a solid year now (and that whole time the buff has been there, clear as day, just check your combat log…)