Fix the old content

So there are lots of players complaining about not being able to solo old content any more. But to me this is not a level squish issue.

The fact that old raids and dungeons remain playable after the expansion is over while keeping their rewards creates a scenario where players are encouraged to spend insane amount of time running dozens of alts over and over and over again though mobs that don’t do damage, just to have an under 1% chance of dropping something that they are never going to use just for completion sake.

This is not good game design. If a game didn’t had this and added this intentionally it would be seen as the most stupid game design decision ever made. It is only accepted in wow because instead of adding this feature, it is just the result of old content degenerating with the release of newer ones.

All raids (and some dungeons) should scale with the player to max level. There is never a justification for anyone to be able to 1 shot the Lich King while dying to 4 random birds on the current expansion. The rewards should keep their original drop chance and still require an entire raid of players to clear it.

If you have invincible today it is not a proof for how skilled you are, it became a sign that you are very very bored and has nothing else to do besides mindlessly walking towards the boss while mobs chase you doing 1 damage each.

TLDR: Old raids should be hard, and reward players for defeating the challenge instead of very small chance of a reward for playing a walking simulator.


No thanks. I love going through all old raids by myself.


No thanks! Good luck with your thread though, you’re gonna need it lol.


+1 to demolishing everything without thought. its old content. its irrelevant and should be completely soloable., its a metric to keep people playing longer collection outside the current expansion and i love it


There’s a scope for what you’re after - timewalking raids and dungeons and now with Chromie time you have a more challenging experience whilst doing them and being rewarded appropriately.


Yeah but it’s a hamsterwheel blizavision got people hooked on that keeps them paying 15$ a month doing content they made 10 years ago. So for them it’s the biggest win of all.


Sure but this doesn’t fix the walking simulator issue.

Sure, it might give them some profits in the short run, but on the long run it will just foster hatred toward the game.

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I’m more concerned with my previously level 60 characters apparently no longer being able to do vanilla raids due to the level requirement for entry.

A non issue for the majority of people I know, but for some of us who really loved the twinking scene we kinda got shafted a bit. Just thought I’d throw my concerns out there though.

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if not for it id have quit wow long time ago it scratches my collector itch


Because it’s fun. Why do you play the game?


You think I’m going to be able to find ~40 people to do Molten Core?


How did your old level 60 character get “Shafted” ? Just level it up to 30 (takes what, 30 minutes from the level 27 it’s probably at) and do Vanilla raids again ? :man_shrugging:

Ok but couldn’t you do your collecting while playing a game? Why do you want it to be more boring and take longer?

How is removing anything that made old raids interesting and reducing the drop chance of the rewards makes anything fun?

Well, if Molten core was not a walking simulator I bet you would.

same here! if i could’nt solo old raids, i’d never know what they were like at all. bad example: i love the klaxxi’s story in MoP, and i wanted to see it all the way through. if i could’nt solo old raids, i’d never know what happened to them (poor bug bois… such a tradgedy).

sidenote: i started towards the end of MoP, so… i did’nt make it to 90 when their content was current, hence my enjoyment of seeing the whole story through. :slight_smile:


You do realize people can have fun with things that you don’t enjoy right?


i like my pace, and taking the time. also not having to share drops


Activision is just bleeding this company dry. They do not care about the long run of the game, or the legacy this game will hold.

Yes, it is.

It keeps people playing and sub money coming in.


Because we spent a rediculous amount to time decking out our 60 characters, for 60 raids, only for them to turn our characters into 25, and the raids to 30, thus meaning we need to go and create copy paste duplicates of all of our gear at a higher item level.

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One would think if you love 60 raids so much after 16 years, you’d be happy to do it again.

The difference in ilvl can’t be really that high anyway, gear doesn’t exactly go up many ilvls between level 25 and 30.

The better question is, why are you doing this in retail with Classic being a thing ?

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