When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

I mean - why should you ever be able to solo content intended to be done by at minimum 10 people?

It’s an MMO - this isn’t Skyrim. I know tons of guilds that have dedicated transmog nights where they farm CN or Ny’alotha and the content is a complete joke with even 8 people

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Dazar’alor is 6 years old huh?

Swing swing heal. swing swing…heal. FDK in nutshell. what has made it a higher ranked solo artist for a while now.

Never hear s.priest stories here. its heal in combat…hurts a little. and if you aren’t healing, you aren’t applying damage. and your pet has crap cd. and to me not really sure what it does when its out. it is not a bm pet or even my fave caster buddy…void walker. I do love lock void walker.

Meanwhile, the good games do actually make you experience old content as it was at that time, and be as hard as it was, so you have the proper respect to the people who did it, and the proper value of the rewards they acquired.
And no one just waits it out to get everything because it is “old content”.
And on the other hand, those developers make content that is good even when it is old.

But hey, this is wow, and that is the kind of thing one should expect from WoW.

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No, BFA content is not 6 years old

However - Legion was released in 2016 - so in 4 weeks time, it will be 2022. 2022 minus 2016 = 6 years :slight_smile:


They aren’t here to reason with you, or anything else. They have a strict agenda.

When a player thinks you need a group to do legacy raids, no matter what reason, discussion is pointless with them.


I’m also in support of the FF model where all players should be required to complete every raid at level to progress during leveling for their first toon

Blizzard setup the system that has worked for a very long time, and only changed their stance due to the stat squi, nevermind.

Doesn’t each tick of devouring plague or VT heal you for ~50% HP as a shadow priest in legion content?

What ability does a Monk or a Demon Hunter or a Frost DK or a Mage have that will heal them for 50% of their health every 4-5 seconds?

The shaman above though was right - those who advocate 6 year old legacy raids needing groups still to this day or to have full heroic raid gear, aren’t the best people to engage in dialogue with.


Not long ago I started 3 new characters on new servers I intended to use for realm-hopping. I decided to level them to 50, and ended up using benthic gear and nazjatar upgrades because the selection on the AH was either nonexistent or ridiculously expensive.

DH leech talent (since leech scales up with the bonus damage you’re doing), mage has the shield, frost DK technically has death strike, monk can probably just burst it down before it does anything with all it’s CDs up.

When my computer gets back, I’ll check how hard M NH and antorus are on a ~225 renown 40 mage, but I doubt I’ll have any issues

Those abilities do NOT scale the way you’re talking about. DH Leech and Frost DK Death Strike do NOT heal you for the insane amounts due to broken scaling.

And yep, my monk who pulls 30-40k dps burst then drops down to ~20k can totally take out the 2nd boss on Mythic AtBT before the chain CC sets in.

I’d politely ask you to stop replying here Cäpslöck and stick to doing whatever it is you do on Proudmoore. Thank you.

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Devs know that Legion raids have some of the best mogs, so there will be a lot of people after them. The longer it takes to kill a raid boss the longer people are forced to play which boosts the time played metrics. That’s my tin foil hat theory :upside_down_face:

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Seems to be some confusion here…

Legion has had a legacy damage buff for quite a while. The joke is that it’s only 8x, followed by the punchline of really bad scaling and stat squishing giving older raid bosses more health than newer ones.


100% this.

Me as an arcane mage. I’m not super well geared but I do fine soloing the elite rare mobs in SL. I have basically a burst phase and then i’m sitting there doing nothing if I don’t kill the boss in that 40 seconds. No heals. Spamming shield. Trying to kite and frost nova the extra mobs when possible. Gul’dan is horrid and that’s an early raid of Legion

2 more years and Legion will be as old as WoD is now and we’ll be there friend :slight_smile:

In order for that to apply to WoW the rewards we get from there would also have to be equally as powerful as they were when they got them which ain’t gonna happen because that would make them on par with current content :laughing:

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It’s also extremely freakin’ annoying to still have this curse word inducing quest in my logs to kill Lord freakin’ Stormstout in Shrine of Storms from the last expansion because his mechanics are way more challenging than they should be for previous expansion content.