When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

WoW is designed for players who revel in schadenfreude. Folks that get their enjoyment at the expense of others. It’s why it’s not the top dog anymore.

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What a ridiculous post. Takes hardly no effort and people still complain about old content.

Yet you are here

Yep. There’s still plenty that keeps me interested. But it’s been diminishing returns every expansion lately. It’s not my primary game, but I still play it from time to time.

I’m hopeful for 9.2, but that doesn’t change the fact that this game has been designed around such people in the past. More notably since Ion took over as lead.

If pulling 20k dps in 6 year old content is doing “8x” then I want to have what your smoking.

Open combat log.
Use an ability against a BFA mob, then go into Antorus and use that same ability on the first mob you see. Screenshot both damage values and post them here.

If your attack isn’t doing a lot more damage in Antorus than it is in BFA then I suggest you submit a bug report because your character is somehow not receiving the legacy buff.

Mine is, as are plenty of others. I wouldn’t have been able to farm (most of) mythic Antorus these past few weeks were this not the case.

Just tested for myself. In both cases I used Storm Bolt to open the fight, meaning no procs or enrage were in play. This is also without the Heart of Azeroth equipped. Item level 218.

"Your Storm Bolt hit Hillborn Saurolisk for 380 Physical."
"Your Storm Bolt hit Garothi Decimator for 2964 Physical."

Whaddya know… there’s a damage modifier in play.

My mage is at item level 240. Her shield conduit, Diverted Energy, heals me for 42% of damage done, baseline at 239 item level, enhanced to 47%.

If I take one hit for 1000 damage, assuming I even have a shield up, which isn’t guaranteed due to its 25-second cooldown, then 530 damage is coming in, eating into my shield integrity.

If two hits come in at 1000 damage each, then I’ve got 2000 damage coming in but only 940 returned as healing. That leaves me with 1060 damage eating into my shield integrity.

If 3000 damage comes in, 1590 damage is eating at my shield. Bump it to 4000, and I’ve got 2120 damage eating at my shield. An unmodified Ice Barrier absorbs 12,051 damage to a maximum of 60 seconds – and has a 25-second cooldown.

So if I have four mobs hitting me for a total of 2120 unabsorbed damage every, say, 1.25 seconds, I’ve just had 10,600 damage eat into a 12,051-point shield in five seconds. If you add another 2.5 seconds, for an additional eight total attacks, I’ve just been hit with 1451 damage beyond the shield strength at the six-second mark and another 8000 damage at the 8.5-second mark. Add another five attacks over 12.5 seconds and I’ve now taken another 20k damage.

So with four seconds left on my shield’s cooldown, I’ve already taken 29,451 damage. In the remaining four seconds, three more attacks can go off, for an additional 12k damage. This totals 41,451 damage in one full cooldown period of my unaltered shield.

I have no other defensives. If I take Lonely Winter and Ice Ward, I have two Frost Nova charges, with a 30-second cooldown per charge. I have no other defensive capabilities at this point. My 240 mage has 48,180 HP unbuffed.

So in that single 30-second window, I’ve just lost 86% of my health to four mobs autoattacking for 1000 damage each. If another mob jumps in there, or if my mobility is somehow compromised and a big attack hits me, I’m dead.

All of this is only tangential to the topic, but since you’ve decided that a mage’s shield heals the mage for 50% of their health every four to five seconds – you’ve clearly never played a mage to a competent level.

No wonder you see nothing wrong with some classes/specs being unable to solo the hardest mythic bosses in an expansion six years old.

We should not be forced to wait years before we can solo old raids. As soon as new expansion is released and you get to new max level you should be able to go into previous expansion raids and dungeons and one shot things left and right.


Diverted Energy? isn’t that conduit a total noobtrap since it does basically nothing (could have changed with higher conduit levels, haven’t really played mage since S1). I was talking about the barrier spells to avoid taking the dam in the first place, combined with tempest barrier and flow of time (shield after blink, and blink CDR)

edit: what boss were you trying?

my holy priest cant do mythic Tomb of Sargeras ntot enough dps. 213 ilvl.

This is redonkulius!!!

I needat least 4900% damage increase flat.

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ya its pretty obvious

I’m laughing about this still. I said from the beginning that a level squish accomplishes nothing that adjusting XP values couldn’t, and would be a lot more messy.

I was 100% right.

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I’m not quite sure what your point is, given that I initially joined to say that I could roll up to M antorus on a S1 geared mage and easliy clear the 1st 4 bosses (eonar just took a while to learn the pattern, I wasn’t having issues killing stuff)

Youll hit a wall with Eonar, still gotta do mechanics for her

I’m not quite sure what your point is, given that we are talking about why Legion raids don’t have a massive damage bonus. Thanks for letting us know you struggled to complete the intro bosses of Antorus?


my point is that a damage buff won’t fix eonar, and isn’t needed on garothi, dogs, high command or portal keeper.

Let’s just agree that the content is too hard for heirloom equipment runs - which most Alts will use.

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I atleast have the decency to give them crafted gear or entry-level Korthia gear! pfff!

(not applicable if you use non-max level characters)

I shouldn’t be 240ilvl DPS spec to clear mythic legion raids, my 210 healer should be able just as well.

Too much waste of a time if you have leveled +30 alts over a decade.