When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

It’s now 4 years since Antorus the Burning Throne has been released.

Hasn’t enough time passed that we can just flick the switch and allow fresh 60’s who are 150+ 200+ in gear to just go in and roflstomp this content now?

Level 60’s who want to solo Mythic Nighthold/Mythic AtBT should be able to regardless of gear due to being level 60 - the scaling has been BROKEN for far too long - can you please fix this.

Seriously - what are we waiting for?


I was doing nh m solo in bfa early with mid tir gear (- gull, tje demon within was a bit annoying) and doing argus now solo early caz of a update that happens a bit ago. Sure a buff would help to 1 shot them and for oke that need more then 1 person, but it’s not needed.

Also it could f up some glory achievements. If said buff could be toggable or have a option to lower your power so you domt totally nuke the bosses could be helpful


I doubt it’s going to happen at this point. There is like a 10x damage buff already in place (or at least there was when I did some runs back at the beginning of the expansion), though.

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Give it time, the next scandal will come.


When pigs fly. This is one reason why I fought against the level loss. Look what it got us among other things. Nothing.


There really isn’t any damage buff in place, it doesn’t take effect until 20 levels or more. I ran some BFA earlier in Nazjatar, was pulling 40K DPS on some rares. In some fights in Legion I was only doing 70K. 10x or any additional buff would put me in the hundreds of thousands DPS.

We hit harder now in Legion simply because we are getting stronger and the enemies are ~15 levels lower than us. Go back to WoD where it is 20 levels and you see the real legacy damage buff.


Hopefully never. They should keep all Raids relevant. ALL-OF-THEM. And add LFR for it for weekly Timewalking and solo que.


Well i m glad you are not the one makes these decisions :slight_smile:


They didn’t keep Legion raids relevant. The loot has been nerfed so it’s useless for anything but transmog.

Do you really want to drive all the transmog hunters from the game by making their content unusable? Do you hate the game that much that you want many more players to leave?


Im not surprised you say that. :wink:

Would be nice if they got around to making legion content easier to solo.


What they said.


They could just make Timewalking all the time. And create modes for easy farming or reliving glory days. People going in there with the buff aren’t there to keep it a challenge. They’re farming it for things that didn’t drop when the expac was current, because drop levels are so low.

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I just solo’d Mythic Nighthold today at 170 ilvl.
I took basically no damage from any boss.

I haven’t tried to do Mythic Antorus yet.

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No, there’s a damage buff. I do 100k single target in Legion raids.

Ion doesn’t like it, so it won’t change at least until Ion goes away.


There seem to be a lot of people in this thread posting reviews without actually trying the product.

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No. They could solo que those raids with NPCs they modify in Draenor Garrison. Another feature that could be brought back into life again. Blizzard has so many assets in game they could almost make 10 expansions row by just updating and revisiting areas and past expansions.


Here is a post with comments from Mr Hazzikostas on this topic from February this year:

Ion Hazzikostas on Soloing Old Raids - Legion Raids Easily Soloable by the End of Shadowlands - Wowhead News

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Dont judge me by name do it by my behaviour :stuck_out_tongue:

Before 9.1.5 the illidian phase of Guldan was almost impossible (If i get a few crits then i win if i dont then i die ) as a guardian 80k druid 236 ilvl because there was a debuff that kept stacking up and eventually if boss didnt die fast it was a wipe . Now its doable .

TBH in his defence he said almost at end of shadowlands so i m guessing a few weeks after 9.2