When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

Yep, I’m sure it was intentional. They designed scaling so that you have to raid in order to solo high end Legion raids.


They increased the “lifetime” of old raids exactly for that… doing BFA raids now is hard, compared to doing Legion raids in BFA.

So instead of having 1 expansion distance, we need 2 expansion distances now to get to the same power over old raids basically…

And then we have all these bootlickers tell us it was done properly and everything is working fine and dandy.


I thought it was official from Blizz that they intended to have it so you can’t solo legacy content until it’s the next to last most recent expansion? As in, as far as Blizz is concerned, it IS working as intended. Whether we like it or not.

It is pretty much official.

It’s also very stupid, just like a lot of their decisions.


The piece you’re missing is that before the pre-patch you were max level. After the pre-patch you were not. If it was 2 min before and 2 min after, then they did a good job scaling the squish so you could keep doing what you had been doing. The legacy buff wouldn’t start until after you hit max level, which wasn’t possible during the pre-patch.

The Legion raids are legacy buffed for level 60 characters, and all but Eonar are extremely easy to complete. Nothing about BfA, not LFR, N, H, or M, is relevant to the conversation because it isn’t classified as legacy content.

I hope this helps your confusions.

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Maybe I’m off my hinges, but prior to SL pre-patch, Legion bosses were quite soloable. After SL pre-patch dropped…well, we had an outcry on the forums for months for obvious reasons, such as “we could easily solo this boss in 8.3 but now we get one-shot in 9.0”.

Remember when we had a former MVP going around telling everyone it was a skill issue because he could solo M Garroth (or whatever the first boss of ToS is) as a BDK that had to pump out hundreds of K of self-healing?


I don’t put a great deal of faith in forum histrionics, especially in GD. In the case of my post, I was, for expedience, using Rayzens’ numbers. He said 2 min before pre-patch and 2 min after, and said that meant the legacy buff was just compensating for the squish. Whether or not the numbers are accurate, the reasoning is wrong because there would be no legacy buff after the pre-patch until hitting level 60, which wasn’t possible. That was really my point, and not whether or not the initial scenario was correct.


Legacy raid buff is a % multiplier, regardless if you’re lvl 50 or 60, for flying sake.

Go and read some books on logic, you really need it.

You’re absolutely correct, i don’t know what world these other guys lived, but it wasn’t world of warcraft.
Either that or they’re actually goldfish and not humans.

The legacy buff was dropped the same day as the pre-patch, it was active the same day.
Go and get a lvl 50 char and hit legion content, it’s 8X multiplier.


There was a legacy buff at level 50 (remember, the squish changed this). What happened though is that the health of the bosses were not scaled appropriately at all. Legion bosses had higher health than BFA bosses for instance.

In other words, the buff basically did nothing, on top of us losing a significant amount of power. M Garroth went from easily soloable as any class to soloable only by self-healing classes after a 5+ minute fight.

There’s numbers around here. I’ll try digging them up.

There was also another fun quirk where the bosses became even harder as we leveled from 50 onward.

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Here’s one of the threads I made about a year and a half ago when this became an issue.

Reading other posts, the legacy buff was active for level 50s, but was hotfixed later on in SL so that level 60s could use it too and actually stand some sort of miniscule chance because the raids got even harder as you continued to level and gear up.

Level 50’s ability to solo went into the toilet, but level 60 was a complete and absolute clownfest.

Really? I’m pretty sure I was 120 at the end of BfA and 50 after the pre-patch…
Did we play a different game?

Well, no. The legacy buff initially wasn’t active until a character was 11 levels or more above the original level cap for the raid. That has obviously changed with the squish, but it isn’t reasonable to expect that the legacy buff would be applied after the pre-patch for the first time in the history of WoW.

It sounds like that 8x was the squish modifier. That’s what your evidence supports. The Legacy buff would be applied at some point after level 50 for Legion. I’m not sure where they moved it after the squish.

The boss is the same bloody lvl relative to you, the same lvl, he’s lvl ???, which is +3 lvl’s to the expac he’s in. The fact that the lvls were squished, well guess what, they were squished for the bosses as well.
Idk wtf you’re playing, but it isn’t wow.

The legacy buff was active since lvl 50, it isn’t more powerful going into 60.
Go and make a character lvl 50 and take it to legion, hit something, use a bloody calculator and see it’s 8X, then go do the same with your max lvl char, it’s 8X dmg multiplier.

The whole point is that all the legacy buff this time did is compensate for the squish.
That’s not a legacy buff, if all you’re making it is make you as powerful (who am i kidding it’s below what power we had) as you were before.

It’s NULL, void, nothing, just dust in the eyes of the players.

Hey guys, you’re getting a pay cut, but you’ll be able to buy all you could before, as relative power lvls are squished the same. (this was a lie)
Also you’re getting an 8X raise! for this old stuff, yeah, praise us more for this “legacy” buff.

Sike, you are the same, weaker even.

So where the flying discs is the legacy buff then??

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Yeah, reading the old posts - it’s all coming back to me.

Boss health scaling was absolutely trashed. Legion bosses had more health the BFA bosses. ICC bosses had even more health than those combined (you can still see that actually - walk into ICC and observe the 3 million health the first boss has. lol), but ICC also has a huge damage buff.

LFR Aggramar’s health was scaling with mine as I progressed from 50-60.

This problem applied elsewhere too though. Island Expeditions went from being a roflstomp to run-for-your-life. Even old, old raids such as MC were curbstomping players (I believe the legacy buff was completely deactivated for that one for a while, at least I remember the bug report about it).

Anyways, I’m starting to get angry over things I tried to forget about so I’m just going to see myself out now.

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Try and do LFR BFA now, compared to when we did up to Mythic Antorus in BFA, before any “legacy” buff.

We can’t even do LFR BFA at this point, lots of bosses are unsoloable, some are death on start, or reset on start, or stacking crap to high heaven.

BFA was also scaled wrong, i remember trying normal Wrathion before the pre-patch solo, and getting him to about 60% hp, after the pre-patch i barely hit 85% before i died.

Outside rares in BFA had higher health as well… it’s stupid how that squish worked, more for us, less for them.

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Let’s see if you can math this out with me. Legion level cap was 110. Bosses were 113. Before the pre-patch, level cap was 120, and Legion bosses were still 113. After the pre-patch, level cap was 60 and the Legion bosses are now level 53. However, characters were only level 50, so a modifier was applied to generally help people do what they had been able to do before. Whether or not that succeeded or failed, I don’t know or care, it was years ago.

As we leveled to cap and geared up, we passed the boss’s levels and proceeded to nuke them, which is exactly what is intended. I can’t understand what your problem is.

BfA isn’t legacy content, so this is completely irrelevant. It should be receiving a legacy buff in Dragonflight, when it is scheduled to be legacy content. I don’t understand why you keep bringing up BfA when that has exactly zero to do with Legion or legacy.

Legion bosses were 45+3, Legion is 45…

Legion Legacy buff is 8X always, doesn’t matter if you’re 50 or 60.

You have no clue, in BFA we could do Mythic Antorus, now we SL can’t do BFA raids.

This is before any legacy buff, to either, it’s a parallel.

We didn’t have Legion legacy buff until the pre-patch, it’s a direct parallel to difficulty.
We could do previous expac content easily, we can’t do previous expac content now at the same level of difficulty, the scaling is atrocious.

What’s so hard to understand?
Legion mythic raids ← BFA - was fine
BFA LFR (for ducking sake) raids ← Shadowlands - not fine

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They are never going to do it, they are going to sit on their hands and watch you complain about it and eventually enough time will go by that you can solo it so you won’t bring it up anymore :slight_smile:
You can either vote with your wallet or you can just jump on the “What’s up with BFA scaling” train in 10.0 and keep complaining :laughing: Since each xpac that goes by the problem will be inherited by the next xpac we can just complain forever :heart_eyes:

My mistake. Still, level 50 is only 2 level above 48, and the level disparity affects the amount of damage done.

In Nya’lotha gear with corruption we could do M Antorus. Now, before the final tier of SL, we can’t do BfA raids. So?

There has never been any assurance of solo’ing anything from the previous expansion, ever. It has always been whatever you could do, with no adjustments from Blizzard, so it is irrelevant in a conversation about legacy.

Either way, comparing the final tier of BfA gear with the 2nd or 3rd tier of SL gear is an apples to oranges comparison.

How does one solo M Eonar?
