When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

Dude… to make this clear, the Legion legacy buff is active and is exactly the same, when you’re level 50 and when you’re level 60.

We can’t do LFR, do you understand what it’s about? I’m saying LFR, not Mythic, bloody LFR.
The disparity is huge.
In the Azshara patch, which would be where our patch is now heroic raids (Antorus… all) were 100% easily doable when geared, now when geared we can’t do bloody LFR. Mythic Antorus was half doable in Azshara patch.

Check the above, it’s not apples to oranges, it’s the highest of difficulties, to the lowest…

Yea I remember the white knights backing Blizzard claiming it would just change numbers. We lost so much more.


The even worst part is that these bootlickers still don’t acknowledge what was lost, the disparities.

It’s like they’re eating sand thinking it’s mashed potatoes…


There’s a strategy/path posted on wowhead that makes the fight pretty easy.

You’re saying LFR from BfA, which is not legacy. What part of “not legacy” is not getting through to you?

As a level 50, I couldn’t solo M Antorus. As a level 60 I can easily. What is not clear about everything working fine?

so i tried soloing Mythic KJ and armageddon blast takes my hp super low. its impossible to solo without self healing

First of all, are you doing it on a 50? That probably won’t work very well.

Granted, I’m killing him on a tank, but the Armageddon blast damage seems almost non existent. If for whatever reason a max level character needs heals, then use them. Are there any classes with absolutely zero self heals? Defensives can help as well. The only challenge on M KJ should be orbs and it’s just about positioning yourself correctly for them.

on a 60 warrior

all i got for self heals is a random proc that can or cannot happen

40% of your health every 25 seconds isn’t random…

it is for me

Then talent Impending Victory?

it is talented

I actually like being able to hear what the bosses have to say instead of them dying instantly. It also makes it easier to do Glory of the “insert” Raider. Should stay the way it is imo.

also whatever their name warlock is said that the dark phase orbs are static and not RNG and it would be SE > SW > NE > NW but the first orb was SW

They are, I don’t know the map directions, but the first one is always the far right corner as you enter the boss room.

If Impending Victory is talented, then you have an on demand heal. How is that a random proc?

they also busted the entire darkness phase. cant see anything

You can use the minimap to see your position, and when you approach corners, which is where you need to be for orbs anyway, you should be able to see the edges.

Or, if you’re determined that you can’t do something that other people are able to do you can throw up your hands and give up.

see thats the big problem with you elitists. a lot of classes lack lots of mobility. there are times when i have to soak the armageddon, while the singularity is on the other end of the room

Yes, 2 expansion old content is so elite…

I do it frequently on a Paladin, one of those classes lacking mobility. You need zero speed boosts if you plan ahead and stay alert, and you have leap as a back up if you get caught napping.

The armageddon might kill you, but being positioned wrong for the orb will kill you. Forget the soak, do the orb. Pop a CD, use a potion, whatever you need, but if you have to choose one or the other it should be an obvious choice.

You could also soak then leap if you’re very, very concerned.

or they can just finally nerf it to the ground. since yes, its 2 expansion content that is elite.
also fix or remove the darkness phase

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