Legion Raids - This is Getting Old

Let’s take LFR Aggy as an example. He was very simple to solo prior to prepatch. Then prepatch hit and he became a challenge - but still could be soloed with the use of Charge to prevent flame rend knockbacks. Damage to my character was a non-issue as recently as last week.

Now, at level 54 (same gear - 131 ilvl), I’m wiping on LFR aggramar. I’m getting hit hard by his abilities and exhaust all of my charges to stay alive before getting finished off by melee damage.

We’ve harped and harped on about Ion’s “whatever you can solo at 120, you can solo at 50” statement being far off-base, and now above level 50 things are even harder.

We’ve been screaming about this since prepatch dropped, but the problem is even worse now - a stronger character is now much weaker in legacy Legion content.

UPDATE 11/29 (made a separate post but am posting it here in the OP as well): I’m getting even weaker as I get stronger gear at 60.

LFR Aggy nearly wiped the floor with me. Freshly dinged at 60 with 141 gear, I had him down in 72 seconds with no health issues.

Now I’m ilvl 155 and it’s an 87 second kill time and had to burn both charges for flame rend, and I was down to 21%. .

This is nuts.


Their past tendency has been to adjust old content when it’s two expansions old (if they feel it needs adjusting). So, you’ll probably see some changes by 9.1. However I bet once you get your first heroic dungeon gear from SL you’ll be fine.

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I get what you’re saying but that completely misses the point. Stronger characters shouldn’t be getting weaker in legacy content, and now we have to go through a bunch of hoops to solo content that was previously soloable (to an extent) at level 50?


Legacy buff comes to play at 11 levels over content, if I remember correctly.

Until then, the scaling shenanigans might still be up to play? Meaning, even though you’re still the same ilvl, your level is up so theirs is too?

The point is: the “solo at 50 what you could at 120” was wrong, and now it’s even worse where power is going backwards. No matter how you spin it, getting weaker in old content while leveling up is plain wrong and it’s making the situation experienced during prepatch much worse.


legion raids should have legacy buff once u hit 51 period.


Yup, we should be doing more damage and not taking more damage.


Knowing blizzard the strength of scaling for legacy content is dependent upon your secondaries or something.

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Scaling and ilevel changes has always brought wonky changes to doing old raids.

They’ll get it fixed soon, they always do.

They got rid of the legacy damage buff iirc. When I tested on ptr, it was gone.

That was before the squish.

I went into Molten Core on PTR a couple months back, there was no legacy loot and no damage buff.

Would not surprise me if they removed it.

I recommend waiting until you gear up a bit in SL before attempting any legacy raids. Part of my big push before SL was to get all of my pressing transmog needs out of the way beforehand, because I could see this happening a mile away.

“its going to be the same as before”
No…its not.
Not even close.
Max level was 120. That was lowered to 50.
At 120 I was able to solo legion raids with my eyes closed.
At 50 now…yeah…cant.
so its not even remotely the same.

i hear legion is still not fully soloable at 60 and that its just the same as it is at 50.

no one should ever take what ion says as truth. this is a lawyer we’re talking about and not a real game dev. wait until you see what something is like in-game, first.


He has a law degree?

as far as i know, yep.

Did a quick search and yup, you’re right. I’ll be…

I see other threads popping up. Yeah, Wowhead had this documented…great…

This is getting absurd. Now I’m getting even weaker as I get stronger gear at 60.

LFR Aggy nearly wiped the floor with me. Freshly dinged at 60 with 141 gear, I had him down in 72 seconds with no health issues.

Now I’m ilvl 155 and it’s an 87 second kill time and had to burn both charges for flame rend, and I was down to 21%. .

This is nuts.

It feels like the legacy buff is affecting the bosses instead of the players.

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