When will 500% damage legacy buff be applied to Legion content?! Legion launched over 5 years ago!

So when you use the defense of “I just didn’t bother” it’s fine, but I cant?

Please, you did that visions achiev as soon as you could.
Idgaf about m+, it’s only to get vault options + the mount.

The teleports and measly ranks for the conduits aren’t worth the bother of spending time in LFG.

Sure you are :wink:

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How can i do mythic raiding with 219ilvl? Maybe go buy some common sense instead of boosts.

Says the guy who uses RMT :wink:

5 ilvls on a single piece of gear wasn’t worth the extra stress when I already had more 475s than I knew what to do with.

How do i use RMT? explain it to me scrub.

Sure, keep saying that to yourself.

The point is you are complaining you can’t solo legion content without a 500% buff. You cant post on this character you claim is yours, and your ilvl is :poop:.

Sit down child

It got me CE N’zoth on 2 characters. Not sure you can say that.

  1. I didn’t say i can’t do legion raids, you know you’re just talking to keep talking, right?
  2. I already gave my character, if you want, i can log in and out with my main gear, you want that?

My guild died on 11/12 bosses Nya, 2/10 Nathria, 8/10 Sepulcher.
I’ll be amazed if it doesn’t die again this tier, it’s cursed but idgaf.

So get on my level ,scrub, imagine gloating about guild achievs and your personal ones show you suck…

Also, not showing your main shows you have confidence issues… is it cause ppl usually make fun of you?

Says the level 10 alt pretending to be someone else

It’s ok buddy if you want I’ll run you through mythic NH and show you that you can kill things without a buff. I’m helpful af

What color do you want my mog to be?
Tell me and i’ll do one now fast.

In that same window, I’ve had 3 guilds die, and left 3 others because of bad officers.

Strangely, I still seem to be able to make it onto CE raid teams.

I didn’t jump boat from my guild like a rat, so get on my level, scrub.

I mean, when the raid leader posts that the guild will stop raiding, what else am I supposed to do?

No you just can’t beat legacy legion raids :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Lots of achievs to do, old raids to farm… ah yeah, you can do wtfever you want.

I’ll make a white mog… since you seem to be backing out of this.

And that’s getting CE. Kind of hard to do that when the guild stops raiding.

You’re free to do what you want. I hope you can overcome the legacy raids soon though. There’s videos on YouTube if you need help.

You know saying that i can’t do something that i clearly can… is useless, no?
Your trolling game is weak af.

P.S. The mog changed to white… amazing how that works. Also you can see the main gear ilvl now, scrub.

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