When is faction imbalance going to be addressed?

Thanks for the fake news! Limit is horde!

It is true, they moved to the alliance to get that 430 item, then once they got it they moved back to the horde

You’re the guy that claimed at an AV queue has better accuracy than data collected by the blizzard API

Is this a joke?

If you actually read what has been said, you’d see that no one is denying that there’s an issue with participation.

But that’s not something that’s fixed by giving you advantages, it will only create a different issue.

The issue can be fixed while the scales are equal, even if you refuse to admit it.

^ this.
They transferred to get the Heroic ilvl reward from Against All Odds for 2 weeks and also the first upgraded rewards from Darkshore Warfront when BoD was released.

It gave them 3 guaranteed Heroic ilvl+ pieces over all Horde guilds and instantly pushed them to 1st in the race.

The only reason they lost the BoD race was because how much of a wall Stormwall Blockade and Jaina proved to be. Evening the playing field as no guild was able to get it down within the reset.

Faction imbalance is a player created issue, not a blizzard created issue. The only people that can fix a faction imbalance are the players themselves unless Blizzard wants to take a super-heavy handed approach to it.


It spills over to the US too since we get sharded with them. If you’re on the West Coast and play later at night, you’ll frequently face the enormous swarms of Alliance players from Frostmourne.

The “Alliance are totally outnumbered in war mode” thing is very much a regional EST/CST thing. You guys are just really loud in complaining about it, so Blizzard ends up giving free gear and massive bonuses to the Alliance players in other areas who massively outnumbered the Horde.

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And that is how alliance feels in EU and NA because warmode=hordemode.

Also if you play on an OCE server you dont get sharded to NA Realms because it raises ping to 100+, they have to choose to jump to an NA shard through group finder

I mean
 that’s simply not true. I’m frequently flying around by myself and run into enormous swarms of Frostmourne Alliance. It’s a regular occurrence.

Because you run into swarms from oceanic frostmourne it doesnt mean OCE players get sharded AUTOMATICALLY to NA realms, that doesnt happen because like i said, you cant move someone from Oce to NA because we suffer from 100+ ping

What is happening is people post a group from NA in the group finder looking for people to pvp and people from Oce join there because Oce groups arent as common.

I am saying it doesnt happen automatically because of the region being far away from NA, it does happen by players jumping shards on purpose to get to a pvp group, and you are also stuck for a while in that shard if you pvped while in that group but if you leave for around 1 hour you are returned to OCE shards.

I see. Regardless of the technical issues, we’re hugely outnumbered at this time of night in war mode.

I have a bunch of screenshots of it. I habitually reach my pinky over and take one every time I run into an Alliance Swarm, while chuckling to myself and thinking, “Right, I forgot
 Alliance never turn on war mode!”

They actually said they never will address it, or rather always in the negative.

They’ve always maintained that it is a freedom of players to choose, so they will do nothing about it.

The only thing they could really quietly do, while still maintaining that, would be:

Improve the Alliance racials.

Alliance already has superior racials.

Which illustrates the real problem.

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How do you explain the OCE players I’ve seen in dungeons and BGs then?

I sure do, if you are talking about the MDI sure i agree alliance has the lead but that is such a micro cosmos that really doesnt affect the WoW player.

Yet in live realm (not tournament ones like those of the MDI) the horde dominates Mythic+ too.

It shows the difference between in-game things (which all favor alliance) and community things (which favor horde).

Alliance has superior racials, which is why, given the freedom to choose any race, MDI is entirely Alliance race teams, because Alliance racials are superior (and for raiding, too, btw).

The problem is the Alliance playerbase. People don’t want to play on Alliance because of the people. Which is why Blizzard can’t fix things; they’re already giving the Alliance the upper hand in every way they can, but they can’t fix the people.

So it’s still a win/win for the Horde the fact there even needs to be Merc mode.

Merc Mode was created during Warlords to benefit Alliance players, because Alliance had huge queue times since everybody who PvP’d had gone Alliance.

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As i said in this thread, MDI is such a micro cosmos that really doesnt affect the regular playerbase. Hell the 2 finalist of the MDI in Blizzcon are actually horde teams that just switch to alliance in the tournament Realm, but Method EU and Method NA in a live realm are Horde teams.

And about racials being superior, i dont know i think both factions are really close.

But the issue i think you dont get from reading you in this thread (yeah i read some of you other responses) is that racials aint a factor now as i said all differences are basicly not existant.

But this wasn’t the case in the past, this lead to a lot of guilds and players switching to the horde to Raid making the high end population shrink in the alliance while the horde one got bigger and bigger.

Again, racials aint a factor right now is the bigger high end population pushing content but they were a factor back in the day.

This for me is non sense tbh.

The imbalance will be addressed when more people join the Horde.

You can help the Alliance today by joining the Horde. :+1:


If a lot of people went to the less-populated faction (which was Horde) for better racials, why aren’t people switching to the less-populated faction now (which is Alliance) for better racials?