When is faction imbalance going to be addressed?

What incentives could you give raiding guilds that wouldn’t just cause a mass exodus to the Alliance?

The goal should be to try and fix the balance, yes? And not create a new imbalance.


I posted this before…but what if blizzard took a actual different approach, where most are just using the bribe system whether it be racials, buff, loot ect., but instead fork out $$ advertisements to promote alliance and attract new players and give them a sense of pride and desire to aim for endgame on alliance…I mean its novel approach. Like commericals/blizzcon/Q&A’s, sadly this might be fantasy suggestion but i’m trying.

I think part of the solution is somehow “bribing” Alliance players to sign up for these bgs, especially the 40-man bgs though.

No where is the queue times disparity between the factions larger than in epic bgs. Alliance queue time is a joke… it’s like 4-6 minutes at the most. Meanwhile the Horde queue time is typically 18-30 minutes (sometimes even more when the so-called “estimate” is off).

The long queue times are a nuisance for sure :-1: I’m currently queued up for an epic bg and it says

rip :-1:

Can you Alliance players queue up so I can get some more games in? Pretty please? I’m just twiddling my thumbs over here watching the little timer tick away, just idle right now, it’s boring - I want to PvP.

I bet if they gave Alliance an “Against Overwhelming Odds”-style weekly PvP quest that awarded a 430 welfare piece, I think that would motivate more Alliance players to sign up for these bgs :thinking:

The underlying cause of the high Horde queue times is not enough Alliance players signing up for the bgs relative to Horde players - so any incentive or “bribing” Alliance into signing up for the bgs might help alleviate the problem of our high queue times.

I think allot more devs play horde so there a lot more effort put into horde decisions/content knowingly or unknowingly inline with what the Horde community, Unlike the alliance where they just throw in content based of a few small clicks inside the alliance community. imho

Wait, if it’s not a problem NOW, why would it be a problem if the Alliance was given an advantage?
And no, that’s not my goal, but it sure is funny that the same people who don’t see a problem get riled up when they think the alliance might get that same advantage.
Either it’s a problem (I believe it is) or it isn’t.
But it will never be fixed until we’re get some devs who care as passionately about the Alliance as they do the horde.

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Media and faction pride are excellent motivators. It would work, but they need to dedicate time to the alliance and many are just stuck in a lost mentalty

Another solution would be to relax the stupid cross faction grouping restrictions so that people don’t have to switch to the Horde to have people to play with. That way, everyone gets to play what they want, be able to play with whoever they want, and faction balance won’t matter.

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Think the damage is done already, Would take something major to balance them back, with the game being 15 years old doubt anything will change.

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Definitely a participation type imbalance bud. I hear you but most people probably queue for rewards and that’s all they see. I’d also like to add that most people I know just queue by mercenary to fight on the alliance anyway.

As far as raiding goes, my buddy who always clears mythic raid stuff does both sides. I understand this is your main faction but not much else can be said about it. It’s a people problem not a faction problem.

I’ve seen plenty of turds blow the battlegrounds here on Horde and we get our crap kicked in because 2 turds from a server decide to be 5 years old.

Gotta roll with it man, it is what it is.

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Totally opposite on oceanic alliance outnumber horse heavily and its sad. :frowning:

Ocenaic has Like 12 servers out how many total in wow ??

Like 10ish

Hell everyone joins the horde even if they arent competitive, their latest blizzard failure is making the faction balance even worse by giving a desirable race like the vulpera to the horde, and giving a disgusting diaper wearing gnomes to the alliance.
They keep giving horde the cool stuff, hell even their new home base in nazjatar is the epitome of highly defensible pvp cave, meanwhile alliance gets an open city where people can attack from all sides.


Well I’ve always said people go where life is good and reward is plenty.

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I couldn’t help but chuckle, have a +1 buddy :joy: :rofl:

tee hee hee

In your opinion is there a server imbalance?

wouldn’t go there Blood elfs enough said.

Horde and BE for MDI lets be honest here


I don’t really think they can control players choosing to go to one side or the other.

That’s like…the worst argument ever. If the BE racial was so overpowered, then the alliance wouldn’t have been crushing it back in WoD now would they?
how about WotLK, Cata, and MoP when the alliance were still the dominant faction in numbers and competitive in raiding?

Get over the BE racial tiny.

Alliance and NE were superior from the get go. The BE racial was the only thing keep Horde competitive. Now look at M+.
See any horde teams? I sure don’t.

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Lol what? Method swapped from Alliance to Horde back in Cata and never switched again, and for WoD PvP it was just a few of them for EMFH.

They switched for 1 week and tbh it wasnt a massive incentive, just 1 piece.

This whole thing started back in Cataclysm, when Premonition basically hung up the towel and Method went horde. It’s been happening for nearly a decade. ANy “fix” will probably take at least that long, if not longer. “If you can’t beat them, join them.”