When is faction imbalance going to be addressed?

Oh there you are with that defeatist attutide again.

Gee, I wonder why Alliance won’t get content done… :roll_eyes:

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Plain and simple, racials aint that much of a factor right now. The difference aint that big to the ones we had 10 years ago.

I mean you can read interviews with Method players admiting they switched for Racials back in the day and they were glad about it.

Racials as you know them right now, which i REPEAT are fairly balanced werent the same back then.

It’s the fundamental issue. But the Alliance playerbase REFUSES to even acknowledge it, much less address it.

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O this idea that being in the horde means you can do content. What content cant alliance do? Because anything you say has been done by alliance guilds, is just that is easier thx to the bigger high end player pool in the horde.

You mean when they said the best racial in Mists was going to be the Pandaren one, which was available to both factions?

What can i say for me is complete no sense, im playing in Alliance and Horde pushing content and i see no difference in how people act tbh. You still got a ton of casuals and baddies that dont know to play the game properly, you mid level players, you got good players and is just in the high end were you really see the difference where there are more players doing high content in the horde.

So for me as i said, is non sense that part you said.

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No the ones where they talk about how DPS in some bosses in Pandaria were so close that having a DPS racial made a difference.

How’s the faction change working out for you?
Artzie : Reaaaaaaaally nice, the Horde racials are far better than the Alliance ones, thank god we went Horde!
Vailaine: To be honest I don’t think we would have made it on Spiritbinder and Elegon as early as we did. Those kills were so close that the DPS racials give Horde players the edge once again.
Treckie: The faction benefits are hard to quantify, I still think it was a case of “the grass is always greener”, but there’s been close kills this tier, so I guess extra DPS isn’t bad. I’m sure we would have done excellently as Alliance, although most DPSers will say the complete opposite for their DPS racials!


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It was actually brought in as two NPC’s one horde and one alliance. They would only appear depending on which faction had the longer queue times. So it was brought in for either faction.

Except the NPC that allowed Horde to do it never spawned.

Nah that’s garbage. Can’t ever remember doing Merc and being a horde toon, but maybe I was so faction biased at that time.

They can do content if they tried, it’s a personal beef I have with this person since his way of “fixing the problem” of participation, it’s to have Alliance players transfering to Horde.

Which is, again, part of the problem. Would YOU want to play Alliance with Alliance players complaining 24/7 that the Alliance is terrible? I wouldn’t.

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Blizzard are to blame for allowing faction transfers in the first place, and allowing both Horde and Alliance on the same PVP servers.

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I wouldn’t but even in this thread we have an Alliance players speaking of how frustrating it is to try to get content done.

Those that are not complaining are the ones that are being affected by the loud ones that do.

Sounds to me that you are just being condescending.

Well tbh if people are looking to do high end content, is not a bad move. You do high end content like high rating PvP, high level Mythic+ or Mythic Raiding? Because switching aint a bad move for something that aint gonna change.

Myself im starting my move to the horde, already got 1 toon transfer to a high population horde server and soon to be more.

Wierd, when i play with my Druid and do some random BG’s i hear the same thing in the horde.

Have you even play in the alliance to know people say this?

Talking about the forums… threads like this one. They’re a regular feature these days.

Ha ha I have to I play mainly Alliance. I can imagine in WOD Horde were going through the same thing.

Except for all of oceania, it’s actually Alliancemode with Alliance outnumbering Horde 3 to 1, yet the Alliance get the welfare buff and loot as well as being the dominant faction.

So yeah, fix that too. Or I guess you probably don’t see that as a problem.

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Pity the ping time is crap.