No they wouldn’t have. But they wouldn’t have used a full assault either. With Malfurion in play that whole tree would have turned against the Horde. That occupation would have failed in the end. Sylvanas made some miscalculations and then threw the whole thing away at the end.
Honestly at this point I don’t care they took away and took away from that event to the point where it’s meaningless
It’s connected to what is posted here and the kinds of replies those posts get to some degree if there is a handful of people coordinated on another platform, which I already knew but is confirmed by some of the comments I see… but you right, it’s mostly just funny and pathetic
Cannibal explained it better than i ever could.
And to quote him, it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, God calls it a duck… it’s probably a duck.
You cant just very nearly wipe out an entire race and then be finicky and say it isnt a genocide to save face.
Oh yes you can bro if you are trying to troll the forums in the most lame predictable way possible!
Anduins thoughts, not third person.
Either way id appreciate it if people stopped using the blanket term the horde when referring the actions of the war of thorns, you kinda include the horde pc in that intended or not.
You have to admit, wiping out settlements on your way to set fire to a huge number of people will get you called genocidal.
<10 char>
When the night elves get a new home and some ACTUAL payback for it. Turning Darkshore into a warfront is laughable as their ‘revenge.’
Yeah, but dont forget the part where they defend atrocities while complaining they’re getting villian batted.
Bonus points if they also want to drag the Alliance down so they dont look as bad in comparison, instead of you know, cleaning up the horde’s act
well, this went about as well as a troll thread should have.
the funny thing is… you all knew it was a troll thread. And you still commented.
Good job, OP. 10/10.
Eh this was going to happen regardless of the thread it happened in, why not a troll thread? It’s not like we’re bound by his initial post.
The story forums are for discussion and debate about lore… and troll topics like this aren’t common enough that people immediately just ignore them, honestly. There’s been a rise in them since BfA, but many of us here, myself included, tend to start out thinking people are debating in good faith to some extent.
Maybe i just spend to much time in GD, but i saw the title to this thread, and immediately went over and got some popcorn.
could i convince my fellow alliance members to not add more fuel to this dumpsterfire? this is obviously bait.
Honestly, I don’t think they should “just get over it!”
I wouldn’t if they came to my home, kicked the front door in and burned it to the ground.
They are wholly justified in their need for vengeance.
I just don’t care that their home burned down, but I understand how they feel.
The issue isn’t that they wont kill Alliance characters, its that the Horde has far less established reserves to take these sort of beatings. The state of the Darkspear after Vol’jin’s death was abysmal … and even now Blizz hasn’t really pulled the trigger on Rokhan finally taking up the mantel (even IF Rokhan’s content has been fairly good in BfA). The Orcs got Saurfang elected as their racial head after Thrall … in a tweet (and now they’re at risk of losing him with just how many absurd Doomhammer parallels he has atm). The Forsaken are poised to lose their two ONLY developed characters in Sylvanas and Nathanos (unless something drastic happens).
Comparing the Alliance to them … honestly with his arc largely at its conclusion I’d say Genn is probably the most likely Alliance character to die in this conflict; which would be sad yes, but the guy has THREE replacements in the wings just waiting to take over for him (Tess, Crowley, Lorna). The only Alliance Race that really has an absence of Developed reps to replace their current leader is the Gnomes (which is why Gelbin’s current state is likely just an excuse to have a MechaGnome recruitment scenario). Hell, Blizz actively decided to create NEW characters for the NEs to kill off this expansion; rather than risk one of the half a dozen established ones.
When the dragon balls are used to wish it and all the dead night elves back, and I can use them to wish for a toasty Quiznos sub for myself as well.
I’m still in the camp that says that Anduin is going to split open like an egg. And Sylvannas is going to be the Fiordring to the Chaos Lord hatching inside him. Granted it’s a one person camp, but there’s always room for more.
Hmm … I dunno. I have this feeling that Anduin does have some level of Plot Armor due to the fact that he WAS the Replacement Built up for King of SW. In contrast, Genn’s treatment of him like a surrogate son has effectively ensured that if Anduin is ever in risk, Genn might try to make up for his mistake with Liam and die for the boy (rather than the boy dying for him).
On the other hand, it might be a good way to split the Gilneans away from the Humans of SW (and have them orbit the Kaldorei in an even stronger capacity). Genn dies due to Anduin’s naivete, Tess blames him for it … and further solidifies the Gilneans/Worgen into the Kaldorei pillar of the Alliance faction (hell, maybe Blizz can BS a reason she’d accept the Worgen curse willingly)?