When are you going to get over Teldrassil?

It’s been a year since the War of Thorns and there are still Alliance upset about losing literally nothing and no one. Every named Night Elf character is still alive and there will always be new characters to meet. And since Night Elves have plenty of druids in their absolutely not depleted population they should be able to easily revert the blight in Darkshore(which they’re winning back from the Horde) and grow another world tree. So, when are you going to put the burning behind you and move on?


oof thread


Gosh you’re right! How could I not just let the genocide of a race already suffering go? Thank you for setting me straight Vaerie!


Shame you Elf! (Vaerie)


when we decapite every single horde leader and put their heads on a pike and nuked every single horde city out of existence.
Pro tip:never.


I mean i’m probably never gonna get over it, but more because of the fact Blizzard shows how little they care about the games world via burning it.

They give no craps about players and what they’d care about, nor about what actually will allow their RPG to be an RPG, they see wow in terms of Functions, and veiwed the city of Darnassus as a redundant one post level 10, as they lead to it being abandoned via funneling everyone to Stormwind. It is proof that no matter how core a location is to the games setting, that if it doesn’t serve an active use to the game at that very moment, it is disposable.


This will go well lmao


I don’t get how some people make the biggest deal out of Teldrassil.

Half the races on the Horde have dealt with genocides/events that are 10x worse. And you don’t see them complaining about it.

It makes me feel like what Lady Liadrin said in Legion is right… Night Elves mostly slept and hid and once they got a taste of the real world all hell breaks loose.


I honestly don’t think night elf fans will ever forget. Hell, blood elf fans still blame humanity as a whole for the genocide of the blood elves when the person responsible not only DIDN’T represent humanity as a whole, but also wiped out his own people down to a fragmented few.

At the very least night elves can pin the blame squarely on an entire faction, as they were all complicit.


As soon as the horde get over camp taurajo, the interment camps, garathos, Stormheim, and the ship in the goblin starting zone.


Can you switch to your Blood Elf main please? I can’t take you seriously otherwise.


Forgot a few, ‘Purge’ of Dalaran, capture of talanji, Seige of Orgrimmar( For some reason), Siege of Dazar’alor, Jaina almost flooding Orgrimmar, Arthas being human, Yrel in an Alternate Draenor. I’ll think of more later.

To answer the question more helpfully, this is one of the larger Faction vs faction events in wow to date. This wasn’t some group of naga or Saytr’s or demons sieging then burning Teld. This was the Playerbase Horde forceably dislocating an alliance race, on really flimsy justification, and burning not only a capital city but an entire race starting zone.

And the Warchief the Horde not only was ok with it but seemed happy to burn a tree full of civilians with horde soldiers following those orders with hardly a second thought. It made those Horde players that didn’t like it complicit with genocide. This is going to be talked about until WoW dies unless Blizzard retcon the entire event.


When justice has been achieved for it.



It’d be funny to see them try. “It wasn’t Sylvanas and the Horde, it was a group of Legion homunculus out to subvert the honour of the Horde!”


Around the same time everyone gets over Camp Taco and the Purge.


I want Daleryn and Sira back… I want every elf that was butchered by your forces on their march through Ashenvale and Darkshore back, I want those who burned to death on Teldrassil back and I want the Crown of the Earth restored. and last but not least, I want Saurfang and Sylvannas heads on pikes.

Then I’ll be over it.


Once we actually go into the blasted ruin husk and carve out the Old God that’s taken root there.

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OK … I sympathize a LOT for the NE and NE playerbase for Teldrassil, but even I cannot fathom being sad about THESE two. One was a dime-a-dozen warden who only gained any notoriety for giving out those horrific “Kill the Raptors” WQs; the other was a character literally created and killed in a single short story to further sell the Sylvie/Arthas parallels.

I’m sorry, but no … I cannot be bothered to consider the deaths of two C-Rank characters at best (in a NE roster that is truly well-off) as a tragic loss; especially since BOTH of them have more potential to shine as anything more than “Default Warden 65B” and “Discount Feathermoon” with their current undead selves (though, for all we know they’ll never get focus … but they might still).


Siege of Orgrimmar was far more impactful to the Orcs than Teldrassil was to the Night Elves.

Night Elves lost nobody named and their race was pushed forward with a new narrative without ruining everything that came before.

SoO ruined the Orcs utterly and cost the Horde far more than Teldrassil ever did but you won’t see many Orcs harping on about it.