Was The Teldrassil BBQ A Genocide?

We’ve been over this. The line from Elegy, “Sylvanas Windrunner had committed genocide.” is stated from a third person, narrative perspective, not Anduin’s.

The full passage with all applicable context:

Tyrande closed her eyes. “I said the tree would not be… ” Her voice broke. She opened her eyes and looked at the child she held in her arms, covered with soot, but whole. Healthy. Alive. Tears slipped slowly down her cheeks. “What is her name?” she asked softly.

Mia shook her head weakly. “I don’t know.”

“Then, little one, I shall name you Finel. ‘The last.’ For you are the last kaldorei to escape with your life.”

The World Tree was more than a city. It was an entire land, home to countless innocents. How many night elves were elsewhere in Azeroth? Far too few. Now, they were all who remained of their people.

Sylvanas Windrunner had committed genocide.

Anduin had known she was selfish—arrogant, too. Cunning. Driven. But he had never expected this. Through blurred vision, he saw Genn Greymane’s face as his wife clung to him, and he realized that not even Genn, who hated Sylvanas with his whole heart, could believe it. No one had thought she would put her cruelty before her cleverness. There was no strategic purpose, no possible reason to destroy the tree. Far from it—with this unfathomable decision, Sylvanas had united the Alliance in a way nothing else could.

Third person writing comes in a few flavors. Elegy remains in the third person throughout, with bits of second person writing in there, but it obviously touches on the personal thoughts of certain characters even in the third person perspective. We see this in the quoted passage above as well. Perspective shifts, however, with each new paragraph and/or drastic shift in subject. That’s standard writing for a third person narrative.

The entire first portion of this passage (the italicized bit) is from a neutral, third person perspective. It describes Tyrande asking a question, crying, Mia replying, Tyrande responding again, and then narrative descriptions.

As you’ll notice though, it never mentions anything that can’t be directly observed. Others can see that Tyrande is crying, so it describes her crying. It doesn’t go into detail about her thoughts, or Mia’s thoughts, or anyone’s thoughts, until the perspective shifts to Anduin’s later on. This is simply because it’s not from anyone’s direct perspective. This is further reinforced with the “their people” line at the end of the fourth paragraph; if it were from Tyrande’s perspective, wouldn’t it be “my people”?

This neutral, third person narrative continues till the end of the genocide statement. The first indicator for a shift in perspective - as we see again with paragraphing - is when it starts with “Anduin had known…” and continues through in the boldened section.

The italicized bit in the above passage is the voice of the narrative.

Here was the first time I explained this: