Literally never. It was the single dumbest decision Blizzard has ever made for WoW’s story, short of making Sylvannas warchief. Yet again, the Alliance had to sit through another G** D*** tragedy the Horde committed with no promise of any actual justice, because doing so would upset the other half of the playerbase.
Blizzard made a decision with War of the Thorns. It was to make Alliance players feel like crap (as well as Horde players who didn’t want to be villains) without any plan to actually make them feel better. There is nothing Blizzard can offer to us now that would make amends for it, THAT is how bad of a decision it was.
I’ll pose a question to you: why SHOULD we get over Teldrassil? What exactly has Blizzard given us in exchange that made it worth going through that? Because I’m still waiting.
Never, because it destroyed my ability to roleplay my character without jumping through a million mental hoops or just outright retconning the story in my own headcanon. Since I played this game for roleplay and story more than for raiding or loot farming, my desire to play has shriveled to basically nil. How am I supposed to just forget that Blizzard made my character the equivalent of a good German overnight and without any way for my character to opt out?
Though my warlock is on a PVE realm, I did enjoy coming up with a story for her in my head and ‘RPed’ through the expansions. The War of Thorns completely wrecked my headcanon story for her and all of my other characters.
Not gonna get into semantics, but even if it wasn’t it was still a far worse atrocity than Dalaran ever was but you all act like Jaina was the worst villain ever even more than Sylvanas currently is.
Might be night-elf fatigue related. A really good night elf poster whose name escapes me brought up that night elves have the unfortunate predicament of having a lot of content currently, but little of it that makes them feel good about their racial choice.
Preaching to the choir. People bring up Orc fatigue left and right, but often abstain from commenting that it was written for humans to conquer, not to lift orcs up.
I think its more so due to the fact that anytime anyone brings up anything pro-horde there are seemingly 10 people with night elf avatars telling them why they’re wrong and why they should feel bad.
Not saying everyone who has a night elf avatar does that but there are a few…
I’m probably never going to get over Teldrassil because it was just so… dumb.
It was really, really dumb.
Teldrassil was the win condition. The Horde had successfully carved a bloody swathe through Ashenvale and Darkshore, emerging victorious. They had won and the city was within their grasp, complete with thousands of civilian hostages to leverage. They could have demanded the Alliance cede their territory on Kalimdor, threatening to slaughter the survivors if they did not capitulate. More than that, the Horde could also threaten to raise those civilians into undeath if their ultimatum wasn’t obeyed.
Are you going to tell me that Tyrande and Malfurion would risk the lives of so many of their people? That the nearby draenei would refuse to leave Azuremyst in their spaceships? That the Alliance, led by Anduin’s bleeding heart, would jeopardize such a massive amount of innocents? Even if the Alliance eventually managed to rescue those civilians, it would have granted the Horde a huge advantage. They would have had ample time to reinforce their deathgrip on the continent, to secure the abundant Azerite while making the Alliance wary to even retaliate.
Why do you think it is that they won’t kill the major Alliance characters? It seems weird to think they favor us, but it seems both sides get treated in a particular way that leaves both sides annoyed.
about the cohesion of the world and story. All of your points are valid, but they’re only part of the issue. Blizzard has always loved their rule of cool writing, but I don’t think they’ve ever let rule of cool spit in the face of the overall story quite as much as they have this expansion, and I think a lot of player discontent is due to that.
Personal canon wise, Drahliana’s father was killed in his canoe while gathering fish samples for the Temple of Elune off Auberdine when Deathwing trashed the place. Her mother died when one of the burning buildings in Darnassus collapsed on her while she was trying to evacuate civillians. Since that was personal canon I left that item out of my list.
At the very least, we need to get out of the current war. Because right now, we’re still in the same set of events that began with Sylvanas going “Oh, sure, everyone’s friends and it’s awesome NOW, but what about 30 years later MAYBE? HUH? HUH?” And Saurfang going “I literally can’t argue with that train of thought, so what the hell, let’s wage a war against a largely civilian force after baiting the military away.” A story-beat that ended on Sylvanas whizzing what had been a total victory down the drain and led pretty directly to the Horde getting creamed on every front.
I guess I’ll get over Teldrassil when I understand WHY it happened. Because right now, all I see is a sea of stupid plans that fell apart.
Here’s the thing, not all of my characters obviously have the same take on the war.
Drahliana’s been through the wringer on this, but I’ve enjoyed the ride, it’s evoked passions that very few Warcraft stories for either the RTS or the MMORG have done.
Some of my Horde characters do their best to avoid the issue altogether, Others feel that no matter the road taken to get to this point, they still have to fight for the Horde’s survival against an always hostile Alliance…and will support Sylvannas because they quite frankly are not sure that Saurfang or Bainewill place the Horde’s survival over their interpretation of “honor”.
Notice how honorable noble posters like Carm are completely absent from threads like this one and only chime in to call you a troll if you like Baine or insult Blood Elves?
Also lmao @ there apparently bein’ a friggin Discord where threads like this are encouraged
“We must go make Correct Speak topics on the forums right now!!! There is too much Wrong Speak going on that we don’t like!!”