Lmao really? i thought you just wasn’t that active here because it sucks but that also makes sense. I have been banned for a month before but it wasn’t in the SF, i have cleaned up my conduct since then. Never curse, never take the lords name in vain (yes, u can be suspended for that), or anything like that.
Why should they get over Teldrassil? Theramore got most if not all it people out and had more or less nothing but Alliance Miltary Forces in it. Teldrassil while they were doing evacs they were having problems with portals to get people out and this was before the Horde made it into Darkshore. Still while the Night Elves got everyone they could as fast as they could it was not fast enough and they lost alot of people. Now the Night Elves still have MoonGlade and Mt Hyjal so far the horde has not taken either area from them and i doubt they will.
Revenge is coming on the Horde and there nothing the Horde can say to stop it and nothing should not an Alliance High King nothing the Night Elves should take there revenge cause it the only thing that make sense story wise.
Let me get this straight. You’re bent out of shape because a thread titled “When will you get over Teldrassil”, the main Niight Elf tree has become a night elf thread?
You didn’t fail the quest… The quest simply had a hidden success criteria… Much like those quest that you are sent to confront or kill a boss that you really can’t touch but you’ll get the completion after said boss walks away.
Completing that quest also gets you the plague bat for your Horde characters.
I have gitten word from blizzard “we are glad you enjoyed that moment of pride now please get ready for us to punch the alliance once again after killing off a horde chatacter or two”
Its Blizzard fast-pacing rush this expansion and how we easily are coming into terms with the horde as back then with MoP which is absurd AF,
Never mind the torching of Teldrassil, rather it left a vague/void hole in which doesn’t fill the interests enough for the alliance to retaliate back just as hard that would hopefully make us no different of “war criminals” than horde, but Blizz begged to differ otherwise with the exception of the orc and that shammy silly troll.
After all, the horde were all willing to attack teldrassil, and its not just the notion of the burning of the NELF home but their coward attack which provoked the war
Was it actully mentioned by sylvanas her reasoning to start it to others was maybe onae day possably maybe if we are unlucky thete is a chsnce that the alliance might attack us. At least that was ger justifucation to saurfang
I’ll admit, the amount of forum weirdos that castigate a man for stopping a warmongering, child-murdering madwoman from gaining even more unspeakable levels of genocidal power still astound me to this day.
Then again I’ve long accepted we live in a sort of clown world now.