We cant play the game with ret pallies running around wild, our range is less than some melee abilities and it relies on hitting the lottery to win games so ueah you dont see us
Big chinese symbol over your head and glowing bright blue with a big dumb cat that wasnât there before
At least the dispel is going (or being toned down). I havenât had nearly as much issue with the Fire Breath DoT getting dispelled as I thought I was going to this season, but hooooooooly jesus christ this rotational dispel bullhorse is actual madness. Especially with Ancient Flame being neutered having our Burnout engine ripped away with no thought is just devastating.
Correct me if Iâm wrong, but isnât there also at least a couple globals between when the damage starts and when it ends?
see this is the kind of player that needs to have its manila sham rage excised without anaesthesia
itâs so intensely troll that the devs gave the only defensive that can reliably and fully answer ret burst to other rets
Yeah, a few combos that have to happen first. Youâre generally already 3 seconds into the cd before dmg is actually dealt
A half-brained Ret can literally train any class. This idiocracy has to end NOW
Okay troll. There is a reason why nearly EVERY game I played tonight in 2s or RSS had a ret. Do you get that? Do you understand why they are good? All those ret palis didnât just get magically more skilled over the last couple weeks. The class is broken. This is why they are broken. I canât waste turtle the second wings happened assuming damage is going to kill me. Ret has more goes then I have defensives for. If I used a defensives the second wings happened every time I would lose every game. Rather, I have to try and mitigate damage as best as possible. The problem is⌠ret is killing people from 50% in a second. There isnât time to react to it and even if there is, I may not have a tool to counter it.
Do you seriously think taking more then 50% of someoneâs health in .3-.4s is reasonable?
Sorry, but if you have been doing arena since 2010 and your best is 2k, why are you even responding here? Maybe learn your own class first before you start telling other people how to play theirs.
The main issue is the frequency of it. Itâs far too often, way to long, and does way to much damage. And thats just among 1 of the plethora of issues ret has in its grossly broken state.
Where did you see this?
EDIT: found it
Yeah class is popular after a rework, so? They should just quit cause you donât want to see them?
Maybe instead of whining about Ret you should be whining about the problems your class has and get improvements.
My 2k rating is higher than 90% of people who play this game, the forums are also open to anyone with a subscription. You could go start your own âGladiator+â forums, I even got a name for you, âThe Crybaby Corner.â It fits since all you âGladiatorsâ seem to do is cry about other classes instead of getting good.
They should rework shaman next!
The majority of rets Iâm seeing are first time players.
Ok troll. Or we could talk about the outlier spec that is wrecking the ladder.
Getting good? Again, try getting good with ret first before you talk. Must suck to know youâre going to get nerfed after having accomplished nothing.
Itâs really difficult to make anything out of those screenshots without proper context. What were you doing while the ret was setting up their CDs? Where are your teammates?
Also worth noting that judgement of the pure is getting nerfed, so we really need to wait to see how Rets are after that nerf before we ask for more.
Even better, you want Blizzard to nerf them so these first time players just quit the game?
âTrollâ âTrollâ âTrollâ Iâm not trolling you, you just donât like real answers, sorry.
Try? I already am good, could care less about what your opinion of me is lol.
Itâs okay to be angry, but wasting your time throwing insults or even trying doesnât do you much good, I donât care about your opinion.
Are you though?
Not new players, just fotm chasers.
Ok troll.
2k isnât good enough for you to tell others to âget good.â Learn how to play your own spec first.
You care so little about my opinion that youâre posting in my thread and continue to respond. Good job captain.
Yes? By all definitions of the word, I am âgoodâ am I great, definitely not at PVP.
Thatâs not what you said though, you said new players, keep changing your story to fit your needs?
Iâm just recycling the advice you would give someone else if they were in here crying about your class.
I mean someone has to voice an opinion that differs from your crybaby echo chamber.
That is what I said. First time players. People playing ret for the first time. Not new players.
No one is crying about Survival.
Oh, got it. Saying anything about overpowered specs is crying. Reported for trolling.
Well, enjoy your continued nerfs.
Game is trash now. Ret players defend it but they know it is broken. Arena is completely unplayable. They need to TEST before they release this stuff