What's the Twinking scene look like these days?

Hey PVP forum, non-pvp simpleton here.

Someone has come back to the game and hasn’t played since Wrath of the Lich King. Their whole deal was twinking, and now that they’re coming back to the game, they want to know what the next best thing is.

What’s the twinking scene looking like these days, PVP forum? Is it still something that’s done in PVP? If so, what’s the bracket activity looking like?

Thank you, and please at least spare my wife.

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the most accepted method is to not upgrade to the most recent expansion therefore “capping” your toon at the previous expansions max level and being in the experience enabled bracket you dont get xp. for the past 4 expansions its been a thing to gear a toon on the new xpac then transfer the toon to the capped account. this of course requires 2 accounts on the same bnet.
i don’t know what the 20 scene is up to since they were taken out of the general population but i think if you take a look over on xpoff dot com you’ll find alot of answers.

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I appreciate the recommendations! Someone was telling me that 20-25 was will active, but I wanted to confirm. I’ll pass this along to the guy who was curious about this, thanks!

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