Back after 16 years

Welcome back, OP.

Here’s a couple of links for guides to help get you caught up on what has changed.

Definitely refamiliarize yourself with some helpful websites, like and and for addons, something like

/moo :cow:


If you’ve returned to World of Warcraft after a long absence, you may need to refresh your character stats. To do so:

1- Select the realm your characters were on, on the character select screen.

2- Create a new character on that realm to refresh your character list.

3- Exit the game and delete your Cache folder.


It is insane that you spoke to a support employee about your characters being lower level, and instead of thinking about the level squish they asked you about your cache. On a game you just installed for the first time in 16 years.

Anyways welcome back.

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Yes I was hopeful they would be restored to original level. I never made it to level 120. My main was lvl 60-70 before I quit so was hoping this wouldn’t impact my account. The last response I got from the support team explained this level squash to me but this was after making this thread.

Thanks to the squish, a trial account can now do all of vanilla. So i think an old 60 is about a 20. I may be wrong.

Welcome back!

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Hey, just wanted to give you an update on the twink thing! Turns out what my acquaintance told me about the 20-25 bracket may not be accurate. Here’s a response to the thread:

I’m not entirely certain about the first part since I haven’t tried twinking since I want to say Cataclysm (19 hunter was insane back then, LOL), but I thought I would share the quote!


Back after 16 years

“I met my old lover on the street last night
She seemed so glad to see me, I just smiled
And we talked about some old times, and we drank ourselves some beers
Still crazy after all these years
Oh, still crazy after all these years” - Paul Simon


I don’t know about 60, but F2P Accounts (no sub at all) capped at level 20 are put into the Exp-Off Queues, so if it’s consistent I’d say 60s who don’t own Dragonflight would also be in the Exp-Off Queues.

Some other comments make it sound like it does NOT do that at 60, which is really weird behavior if so.

The 20-29 Bracket still actively has Twink Queues pop, but that’s because it’s doubled up between F2P Players and Actual Twinks. So mileage may vary on if it’s a good fight or just a onesided beatdown.

Twinks are also stronger than ever in a PvE Setting at low levels - but I get that OP is looking mostly at PvP, and that TWW is lowering their ilvl.

Fury Warrior at 11 + Lifestealing on both weapons is the way to go, especially with the TWW ilvl nerfs which will knock all twinks down a peg due to Warforged falling inline with what it was originally (+5 ilvl). Resto Shaman will be strong because Shamans are just tuned strong at low levels but I think the Lifestealing Gimmick will feel the most twinky after the nerfs, since it makes even freshly made twinks basically unkillable on top of providing strong damage.

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Omg thank you so much! This solved my problem!

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There’s been a few stat squishes so your gear level and character level got reset at some point because the level cap got reduced a few times.

If your gear got nerfed then there’s likely not much you can do about that, but if your actual gear got removed / changed, I’d open a support ticket if the gear in question was prestigious or rare enough.

otherwise I’d just shrug it off and replace it with leveling gear


You fool! You were out! You were free!


Welcome back.

I didn’t read this whole thread so stopped here where I’m adding my 2cents.

You can always just use Timerunning MoP Remix to make new characters, level them up that way and when it’s over you’ll have fresh 70s to play in retail or pvp with.

As for your initial questions, I have no idea. I never twinked but remember hearing it was very fun.

Another thing is, if you somehow got your gear replaced while you were gone, through an update or something (I don’t see how as they’re not automatic afaik) then they’d mail you your original gear but if you weren’t here in all that time, your mail eventually gets deleted if it’s unclaimed.

Anyway, gl.

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I think Wowhead got changed over to WowWiki or something like that.

It’s a relatively new change. I found this out by accident so could be wrong.

"Welcome back
Your dreams were ticket out
Welcome back to that same old place
That you laughed about

Well, the names have all changed
Since you hung around
But those dreams have remained
And they’ve turned around

Who’d have thought they’d lead you
(Who’d have thought they’d lead you)
Back here where we need you
(Back here where we need you)

Yeah, we tease him a lot
Cause we got him on the spot
Welcome back

Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back" - John Sebastian


Wowhead is still there and unchanged.

But what you are thinking of is that wowpeadia became warcraft wiki, and its confusing because wowpedia is still there, just no longer maintained.

/moo :cow:


Even more confusing - there are now 3 different Wikis for WoW when you search for it. 2 of them now being outdated.


There’s nothing left that you used to know :frowning:

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I’m just quoting this bit to give it some prominence.

Twinks have indeed taken many bodyblows since your time, but XPOFF is the best place to find the remaining stalwarts.

So for more about twinks, check out

the game is in a bad state, gold is basically not worth anything anymore because of people abusing the fact blizzard is being lenient on them because they get money off of multiboxers, etc from their sub’s so people just bot/multi box loads and the game literally will have multiple people even in BG’s botting with like 48k hp at max level just running back and fourth between spots till they die and not being banned for a long time.

this is coming from someone who just came back and saw how bad of a state the game is in themselves… I would be very “wary” of what you want to do in wow now.

also you will see loads of bot’s/people spamming in trade chats of people selling runs of things for gold just a heads up because y’know botting and selling runs are now encouraged things in this game :slight_smile: so don’t expect to do anything actually decent in wow because those times are gone and the only people who play now are extreme casuals with zero idea of basic economics or botting farms.

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i would pick a character and focus getting it max level so you can go straight into the new expansion that comes in August, rather than trying to get all your old characters up to par, get your dragon riding skills.