Back after 16 years

I think Wowhead got changed over to WowWiki or something like that.

It’s a relatively new change. I found this out by accident so could be wrong.

"Welcome back
Your dreams were ticket out
Welcome back to that same old place
That you laughed about

Well, the names have all changed
Since you hung around
But those dreams have remained
And they’ve turned around

Who’d have thought they’d lead you
(Who’d have thought they’d lead you)
Back here where we need you
(Back here where we need you)

Yeah, we tease him a lot
Cause we got him on the spot
Welcome back

Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back" - John Sebastian


Wowhead is still there and unchanged.

But what you are thinking of is that wowpeadia became warcraft wiki, and its confusing because wowpedia is still there, just no longer maintained.

/moo :cow:


Even more confusing - there are now 3 different Wikis for WoW when you search for it. 2 of them now being outdated.


There’s nothing left that you used to know :frowning:

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I’m just quoting this bit to give it some prominence.

Twinks have indeed taken many bodyblows since your time, but XPOFF is the best place to find the remaining stalwarts.

So for more about twinks, check out

the game is in a bad state, gold is basically not worth anything anymore because of people abusing the fact blizzard is being lenient on them because they get money off of multiboxers, etc from their sub’s so people just bot/multi box loads and the game literally will have multiple people even in BG’s botting with like 48k hp at max level just running back and fourth between spots till they die and not being banned for a long time.

this is coming from someone who just came back and saw how bad of a state the game is in themselves… I would be very “wary” of what you want to do in wow now.

also you will see loads of bot’s/people spamming in trade chats of people selling runs of things for gold just a heads up because y’know botting and selling runs are now encouraged things in this game :slight_smile: so don’t expect to do anything actually decent in wow because those times are gone and the only people who play now are extreme casuals with zero idea of basic economics or botting farms.

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i would pick a character and focus getting it max level so you can go straight into the new expansion that comes in August, rather than trying to get all your old characters up to par, get your dragon riding skills.

that’s not even worth it since the new Xpac is coming in august, they should just wait till then.

Welcome to the new WoW. Everything is messed and even those of us who hadn’t stopped playing are asking the same questions as you.

Our levels went up to level 120 at one point then were squished back down to 50 and then we could go to 60 and now 70.
Twinks exist, but don’t bother. When you join pvp you will confined to playing against twinks.

I suggest you find yourself a good guild and hopefully they can help out. It’s going to be a workout.

Oh my gosh that says just how terrible support is these days. Yeah delete your cache so your characters will level up. The incompetance! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hopefully not.

Your thinking of the wowpedia page. There were some issues with the host and they ended up moving the site as a result. Wowhead is still a thing, though it has its fair share of issues.

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Nah the twinks are toast. Between BOA gear and a whole new set of blues and potential enchants. The up side is twink gear is a bit easier to get now.

I think the intent was to make my characters reappear, but was mentioned after I questioned my characters levels. Abit of confusion.
They were quite helpful just a lot of back and forth. That’s what happens when you’re away for 16 years no fault on their side.

Welcome back to azeroth brother, updated gear and mission wipe is the way to go they help bring you back up to date!

They did a level squish.

And twinking = you are bad and want to bully low levels with max gear.

How are those times gone because there is people selling carries? you make legit 0 sense.

and you say

Wtf does this mean bro? lenient on who? for what? how is gold not worth anything anymore?

What’s with the sass? Twinking was fun, we played against noobs and pre-mades against top guilds back then. End game wasn’t for me sass man

Exactly my point. people like you ruined levelling in bgs back in the day because you couldn’t do actual end game.

I mean I knew exactly your problem when I first read your post and had a chuckle. Support should be pretty aware of the squishes we have had over the years and the confusion to returning players. Support is really bad these days, I’m frankly surprised you got a human being at all, even if they were likely just sending you copypasta.

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