Back after 16 years

Welcome back!

A friend who went through this a couple years ago had things eventually reappear after a Tuesday server reset. Hope you have the same luck.


I believe PvP brackets are still X0-X9 (with level cap being its own bracket). Someone who actually does PvP correct me if I’m wrong here.

Twinks are long dead. They implemented XP-off brackets for Twinks and twinking basically died overnight.


Welcome back from cryo-sleep, friend. Hope the new gaming rig is sick.

The levels were adjusted. There’s been something of a squish. After we got up to level 120 in Battle for Azeroth, they condensed things a bit by lowering us just in time to get back up to level 60 again in Shadowlands. Call it something of a ‘symbolic return to form’.

In terms of the twink brackets, I’m told the level 20 bracket is always active. Anything between 10-25 will have activity happening, but I’d check the PVP forums if I were you - they’d definitely be able to have more people eager to answer with more accurate advice. I’ll have to warn you though, after they put twinks in their own brackets, it’s no longer just rofl-stomping anyone who’s not a twinked out guy like you. It’s different, but it hasn’t died out.

As for the missing armor sets, I hate to say it, but it’s possible that if you hadn’t played in nearly 14-16 years that your account could have been hacked and that Blizzard has no record remaining of what your characters previously had. I had an account breech around that same period and lost EVERYTHING, and the only reason it got restored was because I caught it.

I’m sorry you lost your items, but if it’s any consolation, the game has changed a LOT in the past 16 years. Between stat squishing and 14+ years of new items added in the time you were away, you’ll want to see what new items you can pick up to play with and new strategies you can use. The amount of new trinkets they’ve added since then that you can get as a twink is pretty nuts I’m told.

Glad to have you back. If you need some stuff to help you get back in the swing of things, lemme know, I can shoot you my btag!


Welcome back!

I don’t know about pvp.
But a lvl 10-11 twink in dungeons can get mad strong and solo stuff with the right gear.
Basically; you can now lock your level and then, with the use of chromie time (she will set you to a specific xpac) you can queue up to BC dungeons for gear with gem slots. or Warlords of Draenor for gear that can ‘warforge’ to higher rarity. combining those two, you could, as mage for example, be a tank.



Healers in particular at levels 10-11 are DISGUSTINGLY strong. Pick shaman or druid and never look back.


I made another post on the PVP forums asking what the PVP twinking scene is looking like. Maybe someone will respond with something useful that can give you some ideas?

Outside of that, I highly recommend checking out the rest of the main game. There’s been a lot of cool stuff since you’ve been gone, and while there’s been some misses, all of the question content from Cata onward has been pretty damn good. Nerds will say that it’s bad, but at the very least, I can guarantee you’ll not get bored.

I recommend checking out Warlords of Draenor and Legion as a pair. If you want to have a fun time, maybe check out Pandaria Remix for fun if you want to find out what happened with that. It’s a VERY wacky game mode outside of regular content however, so I’d recommend checking that out after you get your bearings.


Does being locked at 60 (due to a player not buying DF) count the same as xp locking yourself at 60?

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Good question. I don’t believe it does, F2P accounts were traditionally how twinks got around the XP off bracket.

They may or may not have patched that, I haven’t done any serious PvP since Cata so :person_shrugging:


Thanks for all the responses!

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Good luck. PVP is rough sometimes…

So much to catch up on the horde if you were around catalysm. :robot::sweat_drops:

  • Warchief Garrosh: Catalysm - Mist of Pandaria
  • Warchief Vol’jin: Warlords of Draenor
  • Warchief Sylvanas: Legion - Battle for Azeroth
  • Horde Council: Shadowlands - current

Lol why?

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Welcome back, OP.

Here’s a couple of links for guides to help get you caught up on what has changed.

Definitely refamiliarize yourself with some helpful websites, like and and for addons, something like

/moo :cow:


If you’ve returned to World of Warcraft after a long absence, you may need to refresh your character stats. To do so:

1- Select the realm your characters were on, on the character select screen.

2- Create a new character on that realm to refresh your character list.

3- Exit the game and delete your Cache folder.


It is insane that you spoke to a support employee about your characters being lower level, and instead of thinking about the level squish they asked you about your cache. On a game you just installed for the first time in 16 years.

Anyways welcome back.

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Yes I was hopeful they would be restored to original level. I never made it to level 120. My main was lvl 60-70 before I quit so was hoping this wouldn’t impact my account. The last response I got from the support team explained this level squash to me but this was after making this thread.

Thanks to the squish, a trial account can now do all of vanilla. So i think an old 60 is about a 20. I may be wrong.

Welcome back!

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Hey, just wanted to give you an update on the twink thing! Turns out what my acquaintance told me about the 20-25 bracket may not be accurate. Here’s a response to the thread:

I’m not entirely certain about the first part since I haven’t tried twinking since I want to say Cataclysm (19 hunter was insane back then, LOL), but I thought I would share the quote!


Back after 16 years

“I met my old lover on the street last night
She seemed so glad to see me, I just smiled
And we talked about some old times, and we drank ourselves some beers
Still crazy after all these years
Oh, still crazy after all these years” - Paul Simon