What will you do if factions are merged?

I would probably quit, as this would be a clear sign that the WoW I started playing was over. There is no way that they could explain the NEs suddenly being willing to work along side the Horde for anything short of a “world ending” threat. And even then, I doubt they would be willing to fight along side them as they wouldn’t trust them at all.

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I’m not surprised by some of the responses here honestly. Between this and threads asking for solo raids, I’m convinced that many posters here have no concept of what an MMORPG is.

I’d be happier if they finally dropped the race/class restrictions than merged factions.

It puts other MMO’s ahead of WoW in the desirability factor and with so many conflicting combos now like:

  • Void Elf Holy Priests
  • LFD Shadow Priests
  • Tauren Paladins
  • Blood Elves can be Paladins but Void Elves can’t
  • Tauren and Zandalari can be Paladins from other sources but Night Elves can’t invoke Elune (even though Legion had a Night Elf paladin NPC)

It’s time to throw out the restrictions and open all classes to all races so the player can enjoy both equally.


Who would you be fighting against?

If they don’t apply a Caverns of Time sort of disguise buff when grouped it’s gonna be hella weird and will probably result in me doing less group activities… I mean I couldn’t even stomach merc mode back in WoD which blends you in pretty perfectly. It just feels wrong.

I’m going to change all of my characters to Blood Elves and RP as High Elves :wink:

If the factions are merged, it can mean only one thing:

Horde won the Battle for Azeroth!

This is the only possible conclusion based on how Horde and Alliance PVP’d in BFA.

As a member of the organization formerly known as The Alliance, I shall progress in the only class available to me: Peon.

As a brand new Peon, I’ll do my part to help grow the new Pan-Azerothian Horde Empire!

Zug Zug

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I’d quit retail and, as much as I don’t want to play classic, I’d play classic. The faction separation and different gear is what I like. If I see Alliance in Orgrimmar just walking around or wearing Horde armor I’d rage big time. I don’t like Alliance for some reason and it would disappoint me to see the faction I dislike hanging out in Horde only places that I enjoy or wearing gear I like.

Classic would at least keep the factions separate so I’d have to play that instead. And I’d probably play a month or two and then quit. I prefer retail to classic because of all the QoL changes.

Faction merge = death of WoW for me.

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Tauren paladins should have been in the came since Vanilla. It’s literally been in the lore for ages…

Hang out with Dwarves.

They cool.

Nothing would change for me. I already play both sides. I’d probably race change some of my horde people though.

gnomes and elves derive from the feywild plane, or so says dungeons and dragons. they are friends. the only elf type that arent friends with gnomes are drow (dark elves) and drow are trolls not elves. so you are a troll. heh heh

better solution

For dungeons, yes. The two sides would have effectively put aside their differences and now cooperate in PvE. For PvP purposes, they could use the “mercenary” style mode and just randomly divvy players up between the two factions, automatically converting people to the other “faction” as needed for a given battle. And as much as those two ideas sound conflicting, the BG’s have remained Horde vs. Alliance even when the main plotline in various expansions had the two factions working together toward a common goal.

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I’ll sit staring at my screen in shock.

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I’ve seen them do that on a pserver once and it honestly didn’t bother me. I was a human and there was a troll in my party, the world didn’t end. I prefer alliance to the horde at the moment, but I have plenty of both, I’ve never really played this game because of horde vs alliance, so loosening up restrictions would only be a benefit to me. I could move my money around without a buddy to buy my auction at the very least.

Heck, I wanted to play a troll with my alliance friends way back when I was a noob, I’ve always seen the faction war as fairly boring with the constant rehashes and not all that interesting, always thought there should be some method, even a long grind, to go to the other side. EQ did it that way (along with having a plethora of factions) and that’s the one thing about that game that was superior, imo.

Merc battlegrounds would be awesome, btw. I play both sides so I don’t hate anyone, I’ll fight others of my own race even, because at the end of the day it’s still the same game.

That said, I don’t think changing the faction situation is especially likely as it would piss off faction-biased people (honestly not sure if they’re in the majority or even a big minority), but this is the only MMO I know of that has a rigid two faction premise, so that’s hardly an “All MMO’s are like this,” or even “This is the heart and soul of an MMO,” type of thing.

So they could change it up somehow, just how if at all, I guess we’ll see.

its pretty much just world of hordecraft now as it is the alliance is a meme and only around for story.

it wouldnt matter either way to me because they cant fix the problem at all unless you combine factions.

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Rectivate mine.

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And how would open world pvp be handled? Eliminated entirely or would open world pvp turn into free for all PK?

I’d just celebrate.
The faction division isn’t helping anything anymore. It doesn’t even make sense for the story. It keeps getting hamfisted in. After all the world ending threats, we should be fully united by now.