What will you do if factions are merged?

It should be a soft merge.

Factions still exist, only now you can group with the other faction. You can’t go into their cities, but you can do anything in a group outside of the city. Think of it like cross realm. No trading, no guilds, no city - but you can group for anything else.


No more lopsided 20 minute BG queues, we could instead have instant queues for everyone so everyone can actually play the damn game.

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Probably nothing.

That’s cool you enjoy it, but for the majority of the people I don’t think classic is going to be what they think, time will tell tho

Collect salty “muh faction war” tears in this bottle.


I’ll accept that WoW is on its final leg and that it would be going free to play, at that time I’d accept that it’s over and find a new game.

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I might actually finish getting all the mage skin recolors on this toon and my other legion toons and then play some of my vanilla OG characters. (my first mage to 60 was a troll)

I think it’ll be good. Helps the PVE crowd out and does NOTHING against the PvP crowd. You can still PvP, it’s not like you permanently deleted character upon winning PvP battles.

Realize that there are more places to explore and kick back in.

Check out the Gnome city.
See the sights of the Dwarves.
Roam and fly over Stormwind.
Get lost in the Exodar.
Bring marshmallows to Teldras…
I mean uh. Hmm. Check out the Gnome City…


It would not change anything for me. I stopped doing world PVP years ago and now with all normal servers and warmode a merging of factions would not change my game at all. Other games have done it and it was in my opinion a major success for ESO.

In your case, that’d be the literal definition of ‘boning’ LOL

I will get to play a Horde-Sympathetic Dark Iron Dwarf at last. Try to find a group of Horde races to hang out with.

Swap to human. This might be a good thing since PvP will have more players.

A lot of my belfs would be dwarves.

My main belf warrior would become worgen

This is what I was thinking, I’ve seen pservers where you can queue with the opposite faction and it was perfectly fine (better queue times are always good). The factions can be at relative peace but that doesn’t mean we need to walk into each other’s capitals without at least a quest chain or something.

It’d be really cool if you could get rep with the other faction and eventually be able to cross borders, EQ was like that and I’ve always thought it was the superior idea (plus they had a lot more than 2 factions, one race, Iksar, was it’s own faction that disliked and was disliked by everyone else, for instance).

If they do it right, it will improve the game. I think faction server pop imbalances have proven that the red vs blue rarely if ever works as intended anyway.

And the game needs something to stay fresh, we’re on Garrosh 2.0 right now, so the only logical next step is either loosen up the factions and put them at relative peace, leading to fresh storylines that don’t involve one of the faction leaders going bad, or go through the same cycle of war and near-peace but back to war that we’ve been through for ages, which is really getting boring.

I stopped playing this game for the story years ago, I mostly don’t bother to read quests unless the odd chance that it’s actually good or important enough to care. There’s only so much you can do with 2 faction stories, as is well evidenced by the fact that they recycle so many tropes.


I’d still play this as my main but I’d probably make some Goblin too.

Start a Final Fantasy 14 account.

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Give a break and thank that this war is over, thank you for being a friend of whoever you want or inflicting indescribable agonies to those who deserve it regardless of their race.

Create Alts of the Horde and take care of them along with my Alliance boys.

Remain a human monk but use this as a RP reason to point out I was trying to make horde friends long before merged factions were a thing.

I highly doubt factions will ever be merged… but, I still wouldn’t be against it. Before I make a character I always have a backstory that usually doesn’t involve my character being a “For the horde!” or “for the Alliance” warmonger. I like to think of my characters as being more neutral. While the faction war makes absolutely no sense now, I don’t think it’s ever going anywhere.

Rather than the factions being merged, perhaps we could choose our faction, like the Pandaren? Or even make a 3rd faction for all races who don’t want to take part in the Horde Vs. Alliance war. Though, I think those suggestions are both equally as unlikely.