What will you do if factions are merged?

Nothing like continuing to thin our numbers to make things easier on the next world impending doom.

I think she was refering to all the chemical pollution and needless edginess actually.

Do you think blizz will give up the money they make on faction race changes, and guild faction transfers? I doubt it.

they just gotta give alliance some really cool ARs, with good racials that work for m+ fights and leave it that way for 5 years, and the factions will be balanced again. :smiley:

Mechagnomes. I for one welcome our pint-sized cybernetic overlords.

lol they’re cute but thats not what i meant lol

I’d delete my personal Alliance guild and have the members join my personal Horde guild. Then I’d put all my stuff from both guilds together in my one guild bank.

Then I’d drop my duplicate professions and just have one Alchemist, one Tailor, one Leatherworker, etc., and just gather with the rest.

I would hope however, that towns and cities would still be exclusive to the curtent faction races. Cows in Stormwind would just be too weird, and Humans don’t understand spikes.

Give myself a Dark Iron Dwarf Horde side but that’s about it.

Personally Im kinda bored with this lame forced war.
Feels like the Hatfields and McCoys.
We dont know why we’re still fighting that war from 20+ years ago.
We’re just told as goblins we’re supposed to kill all humans and go along with it.

Id like to see the factions removed and just let me play the game. That or let all races join either faction…quit making it a racial thing.

I probably would change to Belf for my DK and Pally just because plate looks better on them.