What the waffles is going on at Blizzard?

Because Ion thinks people only want to progress to try harder challenges. He thinks if content is not challenging you constantly, it’s no longer relevant. He literally doesn’t understand the basic, fundamental principles of RPG elements or the appeal of progression.


Disagree. Significant class design changes and mechanics changes haven’t happened mid expansion in a long time. BFA is a dead stick…


Sometimes I get mired in spats and it feels good to see someone is understanding me. I don’t know if you’re that way too but I understand what you did and the distinction you are making.

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I’m really inclined to agree with you.

He literally doesn’t understand the basic, fundamental principles of RPG elements or the appeal of progression.

^^ particularly this part.


I honestly thought you were saddened by the state of BfA and that you were being respectful. I was clearly giving you too much credit. You did a very good job hiding your anger while you had no one disagreeing with you but you just can’t seem to stop personally attacking people.

I wish you were acting more friendly instead of acting more and more hostile.


It’s not the devs that are actively discouraging new or returning players from even trying BfA. It’s not the devs who are repeating the mantra of WoW dying. It’s not the devs who are putting out whiney entitled videos full of doom and gloom and conspiracy theories. And it’s not the devs who are burying upcoming patches before they even go live.

Btw, Ion was right. Just read the Classic forums. You think you want it. But you really don’t.

revised requests for changes to improve classic and why

no changes! change it we wont play

how to fix the hybrid problem

classic but everyone can’t shut up about no changes

warriors need to be vanilla warriors not 1.12

why dire maul should not be at launch of classic wow

don’t play these classes period

So tell me again about how the community knows what it wants better than the guy who has access to the actual data about what players are actually doing in game?


Do you even listen to yourself? You are a flat out troll. You are a disruptive force here. You may have some of these other people fooled, but you are not fooling me. Be gone!

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That wasn’t Ion…

Sounds a little tin-foily to me there bud.

Whiney entitled videos? Who is doing this and in which specific video?

New content patches won’t fix class design. Show me legit, worthwhile class improvements and I’ll start logging in again.

You wouldn’t believe how hard Allied Races has turned me off from WoW. Thet took a common request, add more customizations to the base races, and then provided Allied Races. I have no faith in Blizzard anymore. Yes, they affected me that hard because if they can’t even do something like add more customization without making it greedy. Then I don’t know what else I should expect them to deliver correctly.


Not everyone expresses things the same way. If Joenish wasn’t honestly saddened or mournful about the state of BfA, why would she post here?

People post because they care. Because they are passionate. The ones who don’t are just gone.

A good writer accepts a critical editor because that is the only way they can improve. Someone who reads their stuff, doesn’t like it, and walks away is someone they’ll never get back.

The devs are refusing to listen. That’s why we get feedback like “we wish we’d had this conversation in beta” about the Azerite system. When players in beta were SCREAMING to have that conversation.

The situation is upsetting and frustrating, ESPECIALLY to those of us genuinely upset about the state of things who want it to get better.

Your call to stop being critical was neither helpful, nor particularly respectful of those feelings and posters, even if it was well presented.

Yes, there is a lot of negativity in the forums right now: there are reasons for that, though. Both legitimate reasons based in game design and emotional reasons based in people’s experiences with the game being ruined. Please, be mindful of that, and realize that hiding that negativity does not serve a constructive purpose for the devs, and being prevented from venting does not help the people who are frustrated and upset.

And, if you would like to focus on some more constructive things, I’ll be trying to set up a few threads tomorrow with constructive design suggestions and detailed analysis of where and why certain systems have failed, even when they seem to mirror previously successful systems.

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I legit wish you luck, but I no longer posses enough faith in Blizz to think it will help at all. At the least, might be a bit cathartic for people to have the discussion before the inevitable trainwreck.


When I look at the racials and perks of Allied races in comparison with classic races, the imbalance is really striking.

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I think that’s a question you should be asking yourself. You have yet to answer why your desire to share your feelings about BfA outweighs mine. You turned this thread into an insult fest. No one else here is doing that.


Oh, I don’t think it will help either. I certainly don’t expect Blizz to listen. I don’t think they even read the forums unless it’s clearly a meme post.

I actually started the project for the MVPs. One of them was asking for “detailed, concrete changes that the devs could focus on” in a thread about the GCD changes. Personally, I think “see the way the game functioned two weeks ago? It was great then!” was plenty specific enough, but it got me building up some detailed, analytical design documents on WoW. I wound up pulling in and comparing elements from across the game’s history (aided by my old Main, whose Bank is a treasure trove of Classic nostalgia with items so old and obsolete their tool tips are glitched into illegibility).

So once I found I had that much stuff together, I figured I might as well lay it out in detail for everyone.

^^ Can someone please tell me how to ignore this poster? Is there a forum function to ignore a poster so that you do not see their posts? From their very first post in this thread, their one and only purpose in engaging me has been to troll me, insult me, degrade me, etc. I have tried responding to them. They refuse to knock it off. I want nothing to do with this person. How do I access the forum option to ignore them? I have looked and cannot find it.

You can’t ignore currently. Just don’t respond to them if you feel they’re not being constructive.

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I’m a fan of this approach. This game has too many versions and too much history to not be comparing the evolving systems over time. I really hate that gameplay is moving backwards…

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I feel that your effort demonstrates the love you have for the game. It’s constructive and well thought through. Whether it ends up affecting change in game or not, you will have made a difference on the forums.

That’s unfortunate. Ok though. Thanks for the info.

I personally would have liked it if they built the specs further from their MoP version instead of a complete overhaul.

I’d also appreciate their content more if I knew it would be relevant outside a specific expansion. Class halls being only used in Legion and then collecting dust to me makes me feel like they were a complete waste at this point. They didn’t attempt to keep them relevant in BFA in favor of forcing the war notion on the players. I’m tired of things being only relevant in a specific expansion.

Reforging to me is probably the best system they had provided us back in MoP and they removed it for being too confusing. Then provide Azerite Armor.