What is your most wanted Class, Spec, Race, and Allied Race

Class, spec, race, and allied race?

Paladin, Protection, Blood elf, and ew.

Class: Ranger
Race: High Elf

Will also take Half Elfs.

I want a cross breed between Rogue and Hunter. Almost a Scout stealth/long range play style.

Class: Tinker. All that’s left to do, really.
Race: Sethrak
Spec: a “dark ranger” ranged spec for rogues
Subrace: Krokul/Broken subrace for Draenei


Class: Priest
Spec: Crusader

Ffocus on Holy DPS, as opposed to Shadow) with off-healing support and utility. This would be a fourth spec and act as an alternative to Discipline, which focuses on healing, with meager DPS.

Class: N/A. We have enough. But I endorse the idea of class skins to reflavor different classes.
Spec: See above.
Race: Hmmm… Vrykul. Or ogres.
Subrace/Allied Race: Kelfin.

Class: Mech Master (aka Tinker).
Spec: Forsaken Paladin.
Race: Jinyu
Allied Race: isn’t that just another playable race?


Class:Shadow hunter
Spec:Healing spec for warlocks
Subrace:Amani/Drakari trolls




I made up my mind. Necromancer is to edgy. I want this instead. This needs to happen…

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I really want a cat-girl like race. I know FF14 has one, I don’t play that game. I just want to be a mostly human looking with animal ears/tail

Class: Something with mechs. I’m a gnome, my heart craves the certainty of metal and firepower to put my enemies down
Spec: Warlock tank. dark apoethesis my beloved…
Race: Nerubians
Allied Race: Mok’nathal. let poor Rexxar finally stick with a model

  • Class: Tinker, Necromancer
  • Races: Kelfin, Ogre, Naga, Centaur, Harronir, Mogu
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Class: Void Sovereign - full plate caster that utilizes the void for tanking, healing, and dps.
Tank spec carves runic etchings into the plate armor to utilize void transformations. Sprouting eyestalks to fire off beams of void energy, hardened carapace and spikes to absorb hits & increase armor, hands morph to claws and tentacles to mercilessly thrash enemies.
Healer opens portals to the void to prevent attacks from hitting their allies, attaching void entities to prevent damage with void powered shields, commanding shadowfiends voidwraiths and other spawn to leech life from your enemies and allows you to redirect that stolen HP to allies. Summoning different types of void creatures as a permanent ally to provide extra healing, damage, or buffs from the beyond.
DPS opening tears into the fabric of the void to unleash beams of terror from old gods and their kind from other worlds. Opening void portals to crash down on enemies with massive void tendrils. Unleashing swarms of mindbenders to waylay enemies before being sucked back into tear they appeared from. Assailing enemies with horrors from the voidlords own minds.

Spec: more support specs - change outlaw, survival, balance, and arcane into support roles.

Race: Sethrak or Saurok or Gnolls

Subrace/Allied Race: Night Elf Worgen or Dragonmaw Orc


Class: Red Mage/Spellblade, or a Saboteur type that buffs and debuffs

Allied Race: HARRONIR

Yes…I know that race will most likely come in TWW, but I gots to manifest it, because now I want nothing other then that.

Well…except for maybe Blood/Void Elf Druids. lol

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Class: Bard, heal with a harp or flute and can do songs and screams for DPS CC, DPS class would be more of a mix between doing song and bow play imo. Bow and magic (songs) instead of pets.
Spec: Healer / DPS
Race: N/A
Subrace: N/A

Class: Geomancer
Spec: Tank and Ranged caster DPS - possible room for support
Race: Ogre
Subrace: Single head for other classes and dual headed versions for geomancer only.

Open ogres to most classes but allow them to have a unique Geomancer class. Geomancer a mail wearing tank that excells in strength, a 2h weapon held in 1 hand and the other hand left free to cast spells. Heavy earth/stone magic to enhance defensive capability (hence not needing heavy plate armor) with a minor afinity for the arcane for damage/utility.

Geomancer ranged magic dps - arcane magic school masters that deal significant dps - think arcane mage on steroids - but that its caused them to almost be in a perma state of being ripped apart due to the power - maybe an arcane form change for cooldowns or something. Cho’gall without the fel/shadow/twilight magic. Minor affinity to earth/stone magic for utility/buffing (summon a rock for a stun etc). Also wears mail armor and weilds a staff. Defensivness from this class comes more from natural body build sturdiness instead of magical utility to protect - no mass barrier or blink like a mage - magic power is purely for damage.

Allow ogres to be warrior, warlock, priest, mage, shaman, hunter, rogue but not pally (no light affinity in ogres, sorry guys) or dh (because night elve only bro) or anything evoker for the same reasons.

This class could also opeen the doors to another support class - the Geomancer augmentation where it uses a combination of earth/stone/arcane to buff its allies in very similar fashion to what evoker does, but without all the flappy boi stuff instead replaced by a 2 headed toon that is extremly intelligent and will have 2 seperate voices.

Two headed ogres would have their own identity in that one is arcane focused and power hungry and the other is more naturally focused and to showcase this, swapping specs between tank/ranged dps forces that head to become more dominant. Support spec could be both heads are in agreeance.


Class: Witch Doctor

Ritualist (damage) - Summons Plagues and Spirits to attack their enemies. Performs a powerful ritual to empower their magic. Utilizes a mix of poison and shadow attacks, while Voodoo dolls are especially deadly tools to finish off foes. Vials, darts, and traps are all part of the Witch Doctor toolkit.

Blood (healer) - Healing Concoctions can be thrown on the ground for area healing, or drank for strong self healing. Heal others through blood magic, ripping the life from foes to heal your allies, or provide strong healing by sacrificing your own health.

Spirit Caller (support) - Tap into the spirit realm, allowing one of numerous powerful spirits to possess you for a short period, granting abilities unique to that spirit to support your allies or make your foes vulnerable. The body can only withstand the spirits for so long, though the Witch Doctor may choose to give in and unleash the full potential of the spirit.

Spec: Providence Shaman (tank)

Specializes in earth magic to harden their defenses, weilds a shield.

Race: Tengu

The lore of the Tengu leads them to be proficient in many classes, including Warrior, Druid, and Monk.

Subrace: Minotaur and Satyr-like Half-Taurens

Half human, half Tauren, you can choose which half is which. The Satyr version still has small horns, while the Minotaur one still has a tail. Strong physique.

Draenei/Demon Hunter

Okay but Tinker tank with mech suit like the shredder mounts? Take my money right now.

I was hyped when we faced actual Tinker npcs in Island Expeditions. The let down when we couldn’t play them was real. They’re always in the game and never in player hands.


Class: Druid
Spec: X
Subrace: Gnome