What is your most wanted Class, Spec, Race, and Allied Race

I really believe Tinker will happen eventually. It’s the most likely new class to add. Necromancer is possible due to how many Necromancer NPCs there are but I think Tinker would come first because they’d have to work out how to do Necro without gutting DKs and Warlocks.

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Class: Blademaster
Spec: Tank Evoker
Race: Gnoll
Subrace: Drakonid (Subrace of Dracthyr)

Class: Artificer
Spec: Spellblade for mages

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Class: Bard

Spec: Mage Healer, Warlock Tank, Sham Tank, Rogue Tank, Ranged Pally, Support or Ranged Warrior, Ranged DK, Ranged DH, Dual wield Hunter, Holy Priest DPS, Evoker Tank, Ranged or 2-handed DPS Monk.
(Sorry druids yall do too much already)

Race: Sethrak :snake:

Subrace: :woman_shrugging:

Drathyrs Dk, so I can join them to my DK army.

Class: Necromancer, DH for non-elves
Spec: Tank Warlock, Tank Evoker
Race: Naga, gnoll, arakkoa, sethrak
Subrace: don’t care

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Class: Priest
Spec: Priest of Elune / Black Moon Soldier
Race: Any
Subrace: Add Nathanos style forsaken

Class: Necromancer
Spec: Evoker Tank
Race: Sethrak
Subrace: …Refti…? Idk

Class: Tinker
Spec: Mech Specialist
Race: Murloc
Subrace: Vulpera like cousins for Alliance. A secondary Vulpera breed to join the Alliance.

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Class: Necromancer
Spec: Inquisitor Holy DPS - Priest
Race: Naga/Murlocks/Ogre/Ethereals (any of those)
Allied Race: Leper Gnomes/Gilgoblins/Drakonids

When are you going to add your voice to the Naga Thread?

I did it10cha


Gnomekin. /10