Yo, this whole post almost mirrors what I’ve been wanting. I even wrote up a post, never finished it, but it was very similar. I’ll try to find it to add here.
Witch Doctor would be my #1 class to add.
Edit: Found it! I think I was trying to get into some details too much is why I never posted it, but the spirit of it is very similar to what you’ve posted.
Witch Doctor
Ritualist - Ranged DPS
Phantom - Melee DPS
Blood - Healer
Core Class Mechanics
Summoning Spirits
Echoes - Some abilities grant Echoes that can then be used on abilities that summon Spirits.
Qty: 3
Ecto - Spending Echoes builds up Ecto. Ecto can be spent to unleash Empowered spells.
Class Buff
Lucid Concoction - Increases Haste by 3%
Witch’s Howl - Witch Doctor pierces the enemy with a terrifying scream, interrupting spell casting.
Crowd Control
Poison Dart - Puts the enemy to sleep for 30 sec, broken by damage. 30 yd range.
Battle Rez
Repossess - The Witch Doctor guides the spirit of the fallen ally back to their body, bringing them back to life with 20% health. For 7 seconds, they will leech 1% health each second from both enemies and allies within 15 yds. 1 Echo.
Execute Ability
VooDoo Doll - The Witch Doctor pierces the doll, striking at the heart of the enemy. Only available when the enemy is at 25% health or less.
Summons Plagues and Spirits to attack their enemies from afar. Performs a powerful ritual to empower their magic. Utilizes a mix of poison and shadow attacks.
Plagues of Ruin - Summons all plagues at once over the target area. May be cast again during the duration to move the area of effect.
The Phantom Witch Doctor specializes in melee combat, summoning spirits mirroring the Witch Doctor’s moves, attacking enemies from behind. An acid concoction can be used to temporarily blind their enemies.
Limbo - Tap into the spirit realm, allowing a powerful spirit to possess you for a short period, granting the ability to use Echo abilities at no cost for 20 sec.
Healing Concoctions can be thrown on the ground for area healing, or drank for strong self healing. Heals through blood magic, ripping the life from foes to heal yourself, or provide strong healing to allies by sacrificing your own health. A spirit may be summoned to possess a player to protect them from death.
Transfusion - Simultaneously rip the blood of the enemy to heal themselves while sacrificing their own health to heal all allies within 20 yards for 5 seconds.
Previous posts on Witch Doctor:
January '23