What is your most wanted Class, Spec, Race, and Allied Race

Class: Necromancer
Spec: Shaman tank
Race: Jinyu/Murloc
Subrace: Undead all races


Class: Wouldnā€™t mind tinker (Tank/dps/healer specs)
Spec: evoker/warlock/shaman/tinker tank specs
Race: Mantid/Murloc

EDIT: Sub note - tinker has to have a mech suit for tank spec at least. Not as a cooldown either, all the time. Like a shapeshift.


I have always wanted playable Murlocs.

Just head empty. Only murloc noises.


Class: Murloc
Spec: Murloc
Race: Murloc
Subrace: Murloc


Already got my most wanted class


Donā€™t really have an answer for spec and sub-race at the moment, and my most wanted playable race could work as a Core or Allied race, so Iā€™ll just list my most wanted class and race.

Most Wanted Playable Race: Horde Saurok :lizard:

Most Wanted Playable Class: Necromancer :skull:

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Class: Demon Hunter
Spec: Havoc / Vengeance / 3rd bow using dps spec
Race: All (Worgen in particular though)
Subrace: N/A

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Class: Tinker
Spec: Chronomancer for Mages
Race: Jinyu / Sethrak
Subrace: Gilblins / Lightforged Undead


Forsaken paladin.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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Class: Tinker/Artificer (a tech themed class)

Spec: Specific to the tech classā€¦ tank, heal, support, ranged dps specs. If a given with the above, shaman tank would be dope.

Race: Kobold, you no take candle!!

Subrace: Thin Humans, wanna see that undead rig on the alliance.

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Class: Necromancer, I suppose. We could use a new Cloth class, the last one was added in Vanilla.
Spec: Either a Zealot/Purifier spec for Priest so that they have holy dps, or a chaos/binding magic ranged spec for Demon Hunter.
Race: Satyr. With the fall of Xavius and the Burning Legion, Manā€™ari Eredar joining the Alliance, as well as some non-hostile satyr encountered during Legion, I think that seeing a heavily-corrupted playable race would be a nice twist, and they have been in lore for a very long time. Perhaps Mantid, they were helpful in Pandaria and unlike Nerubians would work nicer on the skeletons.
Allied Race: I do like half-elf, or lightbound Undead. Proper Mechagnomes would be nice as well, while I do like the Rustbolt folks they haveā€¦ Some major issues as playable characters (pants, general lack of transmog slots).

mechagnome druid, they already have the models when they released bfa.

Class: Bard or Necromancer (tie here)
Spec: Evoker Tank
Race: Sethrak/Murloc/Tuskar (honestly itā€™s a three way tie but Sethrak barely wins)
I would adore a cat race thoā€¦ this is harder than I thought. I wantā€¦ so many.
Subrace: Taunka for Tauren


I just want skinny Kul Tiransā€¦

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Class: :dracthyr_shrug:
Spec: Earthwarden for Shaman. Tank oriented melee.
Race: Jinya
Subrace: Ankoan

Iā€™m gonna give my top 2 for each:


  1. Mechanic (Steamwarrior/Machinist specs, Tinker/Sapper Hero talents)

  2. Vampire (Donā€™t care what the specs are, I just want to be able to hover, turn into mist for teleports, a swarm of bats for flight, have a Dredger chauffeur my Revandreth carriage, and have a Stone fiend companion. Restricted to Venthyr)


  1. Mad Scientist (Priest)
  2. Gunslinger (Rogue)


  1. Venthyr
  2. Murloc


  1. Leper Gnome
  2. Skinny Humans (males need long beard options)

Iā€™m hoping itā€™d be more like a vehicle that you can enter/exit and work on, also customize. Agree on no cooldowns, except if you EJECT before being destroyed. Youā€™d ether be able to repair your destroyed mech, or call in another one quickly (long cooldown)


Iā€™d love to see a spellblade kinda thing. That or idkā€¦a magitech themed class where they wield magic but channel it into bullets and fire off rifles. Like a combo of mage and hunterā€¦ something idkā€¦different. Iā€™d also love to see Saberon become playable and for them to add a new weapon type in pistols that hunters, rogues, and that magitech gunner class could wield. Warglaives being opened to more than DH would be nice too. Maybe a subrace thatā€™s like vulpera that were given the worgen curse, I mean imagine how fluffy and adorable theyā€™d be as they tear out the throats of their foes with their teeth

I really, really just want any of the playable dwarf races to get druids.

Class: druid
Spec: mage
Subrace ???