Class: Tinker, but cooler name and no mechs. Like Engineer from GW2. 3 roles.
Spec: Gladiator Warrior, or any new support style specs
Race: Forsaken Kul Tiran; Forsaken but standing upright and scaled way up in size.
Subrace: Eh
Like about what? Tech classes don’t have to involve a mech suit. Guns, bombs, turrets, rockets, flamethrowers, energy shields, lightning/lasers… The game is already full of these things. Could have energy/ammo system or like building and dissipating heat, etc.
Class: Tinker could be cool. I also kind of want something that is an Alchemist. That could maybe be a healing spec of the tinker? Throw potions at things.
Spec: I second Shaman tank. I also think a lot of classes should just get tank specs. Might help with tank shortage if more classes had tank specs for people to try. Aside from maybe Priest I can’t think of any class that couldn’t manage a tank spec thematically.
Race: Centaur. I know it will never happen because people would hate having a race that can’t use all their mounts. The armor isn’t an issue because they could just have custom stuff like Dracthyr but equip regular stuff from belt up. I personally don’t mind having a character that can’t use any mounts. Give them racial that let them run at the speed of a ground mount. And then maybe the ability from Ohuna to shift into a bird.
Allied Race: I can’t think of any. I personally have always felt that Allied Races should have just been customizations of existing races, and unique races like Vulpera should have just been that. Give Horde the Vulpera and Alliance the Sethrak, and all other “allied” races are just customizations of existing ones. So I can’t think of any race that couldn’t just be further customization for existing ones.
But also, my two cents, is eventually we’ll run out of new races or it’ll just be too much bloat. I’d prefer they start slowing down on the races and just start adding a lot more customization to the ones they already have.
Not too many class archetypes from Warcraft history left. Perhaps Necromancer (in before “nEcRoMaNcErS ArE JuSt uNhOlY DeAtH KnIgHtS AnD WaRlOcKs!1!”) or Tinker.
A proper melee or tank specialization for Evoker (what Augmentation should have been). Make a Black Dragonflight / Void one focusing on Shadowflame and a little bit of risk for reward (higher damage dealt but more damage taken). Could use a resource that is a mix-mash of Insanity from Shadow Priests and Stagger from Brewmaster Monks.
Still waiting for Ogres.
Half Elves seem to be covered with the new pointed ear options for Humans and Kul Tirans and rounded ear options for the different Elf races, so I’d like to see Mok’nathal (Hal Orcs, Half Ogres) make an appearance; larger than Orcs but smaller than Ogres.
Class: Commander. Pet based class. Dps / Support specs.
Spec: The above but as a support warrior spec if it can’t be a whole class.
Race: Mok’natal
Subrace: Ice trolls, just so they can join the Horde and stop being done so dirty
Class: Spellbreaker. An arcane-magic powered, melee plate class. A spellsword.
Race: Ogre. Ogres should have been in this game from TBC onward.
Subrace: Krokul.
Spec: Balance out the universe and give Demon Hunters a third spec like a real class. Call it Chaos and make it a ranged DPS spec that focuses on throwing its glaives around.
Most already said the things I would find cool to play in WoW (Tinker, Necromancer, Spellblade) maybe a Technomage…
What I would think would be a cool(ish) is sub class/specs for our mains (and of course alts)
Utilize certain weapons, base abilities and passives from the talent tree.
Probably would make balancing even more chaotic, and would be non stop shenanigans of a terrible idea lol.
Class: Riftblade (Void-wielding plate melee class so the demands to bastardize the theme of paladins by letting them turn all of their spells Void-themed finally end)
Spec: None
Race: Vrykul (likely coming in TLT)
Allied Race: Harronir (likely coming in 11.1 or later) or yaungol