What is the benefit of not having RDF?

Most people are gone from retail and classic. At this point it wouldn’t hurt to try something new.

You open that door when you or anyone suggest to go play retail.

Well follow through. You want me to go to retail. I gave you a compromise on leaving for retail.

Why do you refuse to take me up on my compromise or even entertain it?

I’m just asking for the 71 talent point to be overridden in retail. I’ll leave your classic for good if that happens.


Plenty out there if you just google the topic. You seem lazy. No wonder no RDF feels bad :clown_face:

In my current question here lies all their hypocrisy exposed.

Which is why no one has the guts to entertain my proposal.

Lack thereof, phase two

Not added till end of wrath, something I stated in another post

Probably should not be added at all due to the effects it had on the game after wrath, something I’ve stated in other posts

I really don’t know what else to tell you people. You already have RDF

wikipedia .org/wiki/Reality_distortion_field

So there’s not really any point in trying to argue with your conflated version of reality. Sorry Classic isn’t/wasnt retail progression since that already exists in another game. Bless

You call my argument stupid for wanting the 71 talent Lich system overridden in retail but you’re the one that told me to go play retail.

Why don’t you want to explain why I can’t have the 71 talent Lich system overridden in retail if you’re the one that told me to go play retail?

Explain yourself.

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Like have people to run raids with? RDF can do that? What guild is recruiting for heroic dungeons?

I would suggest LFR for that. But I can do without it, since I know how unpopular that idea is. Being able to at least get into heroic dungeons is enough.

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I don’t have time to wait for someone to explain why they can’t override retail’s talent system with Lich King’s so I can go there and leave your classic alone.

If someone comes up with a good reason let me know.

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Alright my peeps, keep the good fight going for an orginal feature to brought back to the game.

Good luck on dealing with the thick headed trolls on the forums, to keep it in the spot light.

My sub is up in few hours, they are not leeching anymore money from me.

Remember, never sub more than 3 months at a time…or they have you locked in…lol.

Peace out!



I’ll try but I’ll probably catch a ban for this thread seeing how it’s already been reported enough to get flagged :joy:

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I admire your strength. I don’t want to miss out on this game as I invested too much preparing for Lich throughout classic and BC that I’m going to see this through with or without RDF.

Should we get RDF, It’s you and your kind that deserve the credit for quitting for us who can’t, out of the leverage they have for us.

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Three months? Never more than 1. Used up gold for tokens. Now used up battle net balance.

I’ve written Wrath off even if RDF gets added. Mythics renders it irrelevant at max level anyway, just like Retail.

Might try Cata though…if they don’t screw it up.


You know what, you’re right. Thread should have asked for GOOD reasons :joy:

See you in the next thread derps. It’ll be fun to watch you guys massage each other and try to cope, again. You’ll be coping for a looong time

It’s fun watching you guys roleplay and fondle each other. That’s one way of trying to cope with being wrong I guess

I said it before and I said it again. Classic and retail were meant to be separate games or considered separate games, not just the same thing in a different time period. Even vanilla classic’s release statement suggested that there were huge inherent differences between the two despite having once been the “same game”

Yeah “strength” sure, you keep thinking that

You think anything you say here matters? That’s cute.

Well anyway…Time to have some fun. Later :crocodile:

I’m not here to tell you whether to say or to go. So, I have nothing to say about it.

The irony


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The irony of your post :clown_face:

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