I was going to with a long-winded post but I realize I was just getting sucked back into the illogical whirlpool, so I’ll just get back on topic now with the OP’s question.
The premise of the topic is subjective. RDF can be both beneficial or harmful on who you are and how you use it.
If you’re a guild that wants to recruit from the casual pool, casuals won’t be inclined to join if they don’t need to, because RDF does for you better what the guild may not do. So, it’s a positive for guildless casuals and a negative for guild recruiters.
Now in all this subjectivity, there is only one, mind you, ONE, and one alone, impartiality in RDF. RDF takes anyone. ANYONE; Troll, toxic, innocent bunny, pvp warmonger, etc. At any time, the queue is always there 24/7 ready to use; off hours, busiest time of day. It is not a guarantee that you will be successful in your content, but it is a guarantee you will eventually at least get in with a group. Those were Ghostcrawler’s words. He then backtracked on his creation forgetting why and who he created RDF for in the first place.
We all just saw through classic and BC how no RDF was only a benefit to some, but not so much to others. This is the fact the anti-RDFers, who happen to be the elite, keep trying to hide or misdirect. They can’t guarantee the Impartiality RDF, random BGs, skirmishes, LFR, or any X-realm random queue guarantees; the right to access content on your terms.
so, to conclude your topic, who benefits is subjective, but who guarantees access is objective.