What is the benefit of not having RDF?

It’s Friday, the weekend is upon us, and I just today got my dk to level 80. I would love nothing more than to spam heroics on the weekend to get some gear but I fear it’ll be such a headache. I’ll give it a go and see but I don’t have much confidence.

I just feel so disappointed with how wrath has been, and it’s largely with the lack of rdf. In original wrath it provided an easy way to complete content I enjoyed, but without it in classic it just feels so much more difficult or even impossible sometimes. So disappointing, but life goes on.

Aside from the people who jump on the bandwagon and give absolutely no reason why they don’t want RDF, I can name a few, even though I advocate for RDF to be added for lower levels up to 58.

If you’re on a medium sized realm or higher, I can see adding RDF would not be a good idea as it pulls from the pool of people who organize their own groups, with a high population, you’ll see the LFG tool full and the chat full of people looking, and a lot of people prefer that method of grouping than what RDF offers.

Socializing on med-higher population realms is important too, more people more social? That’s the only two things I can see.

GDKP prices and GS gate-keeping.

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I don’t want cross realm. I simply want RDF that will pull from my server only and port me to the dungeon for convenience and time management reasons.

And literally everyone I was playing with on classic went back to retail once they realized RDF wasn’t coming. Lots of people quit wrath after they hit 80 and ran the raid once or twice because at that point not having RDF just feels like a chore.

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There isnt a benefit to not having RDF at this point especially with H+ if they dont put it in the tool so you still have to form groups through that manually.

Its actually the perfect time to implement RDF and Blizzard doesnt have to say they were wrong. Server social interaction would be met through raiding anf H+ and RDF used to catch up.

The topic wasnt spam?

Thats what i got out of it considering there is multiple other active rdf threads.

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Feel free to report it, just as I’m doing to you :slight_smile:

I was going to with a long-winded post but I realize I was just getting sucked back into the illogical whirlpool, so I’ll just get back on topic now with the OP’s question.

The premise of the topic is subjective. RDF can be both beneficial or harmful on who you are and how you use it.

If you’re a guild that wants to recruit from the casual pool, casuals won’t be inclined to join if they don’t need to, because RDF does for you better what the guild may not do. So, it’s a positive for guildless casuals and a negative for guild recruiters.

Now in all this subjectivity, there is only one, mind you, ONE, and one alone, impartiality in RDF. RDF takes anyone. ANYONE; Troll, toxic, innocent bunny, pvp warmonger, etc. At any time, the queue is always there 24/7 ready to use; off hours, busiest time of day. It is not a guarantee that you will be successful in your content, but it is a guarantee you will eventually at least get in with a group. Those were Ghostcrawler’s words. He then backtracked on his creation forgetting why and who he created RDF for in the first place.

We all just saw through classic and BC how no RDF was only a benefit to some, but not so much to others. This is the fact the anti-RDFers, who happen to be the elite, keep trying to hide or misdirect. They can’t guarantee the Impartiality RDF, random BGs, skirmishes, LFR, or any X-realm random queue guarantees; the right to access content on your terms.

so, to conclude your topic, who benefits is subjective, but who guarantees access is objective.

Good luck.

Considering you have participated in another rdf thread before making this one, and it was recently, this thread is 100% spam. Which is agaist tje forum rules.

:+1:t2: See ya space cowboy

Thank you for the good laugh. I don’t see how I belong to the elite, I hold zero power in WoW, well, at least beyond my guild.

As the Blizzard president once said “remember when you actually had to talk to people to get into dungeons? Now you can just push a button for a group and to get there. Game is better after that!”

And everyone disagreed and then Classic was born. Again, you’re playing the wrong game

Then they understood the assignment and they are where they belong.

That’s a personal problem or one created by people themselves that have been spoiled by modern “convenience”.

To hobnob with players from other servers, get an idea of what they’re like and server might be like, without having to leave the comfort of my own server.

You know…

Socialize and play the video game.

Well, I think the benefits for RDF would outweigh the negatives because the positives help everyone and the negatives only seem to hurt the elite.

Ideally I would want everyone to be happy but since that’s impossible, why not go for the one that has the most positive impact to the most people and also cause more people to play?


No rdf was beneficial to the social players, not the “elite” players. It was harnful to the anti social who dont even try to make social connections to make grouping in the future far easier. But thats part of the bebifit of no rdf. It directly encourages you to be social vecause it directly relates to your ability to easily, or not so easily group for content.

I communicate with players from other servers all the time, or at least occasionally. But it’s supposed to be secondary compared to communicating from people from your own server. It’s because there’s still server identity and groups that you get the occasional mingling from people in other areas. But if you try to trivialize it everywhere and things will deteriorate, same as last time. Or are you gonna try to tell me that retail is an overly social game?

There’s no way around this. We all get it, we really do. you want retail without wanting to admit you’re a retail player first and foremost. You wanna go back to retail without just going back right away, like you should. We all get it guy, we all get it… just come out of the closet

It has been said and explained that you would see the benefits of no-RDF if you are a people-oriented person rather than an object-oriented person.

For better or worse, the brain is biased. Some say that socialization > accessibility; a former Blizzard CEO even suggested that the latter led to WoW’s decline.

The negatives hurt everyone except those who refused to even try to socalize to begin with. Its a joke to think it only negatively effects the “elite”.

I have a hard time thinking RDF would cause less players to join guilds and run dungeons. It would do the opposite for me. The real key is that it makes it very easy to fill out a dungeon group. I’d always prefer to group with friends and guildies. But not everyone is always available or willing. So sure, there will be less full 5-man premades. But the 2-4 man premades, then filled out using RDF would EXPLODE.

Log into the game, ask the guild chat who wants to run some dungeons. Whoever is up for it joins. Then use RDF. Simple and easy. No wasted time. No spamming the LFG channel. No arguing about who has to go summon the rest. Just get into the action of doing a dungeon. And doing the dungeon is what matters, not the business transaction of joining a group.

Do you take anybody into your raids or dungeons? blues and greens? Hybridized talents?

Are you there 24/7 to take any random that wants you to take them through any content they want?

If I’m not mistaken, you have taken position against RDF on more than one occasion, even if your true feelings about it are indifferent. That’s you contributing to the cause that remains status quo.

I wonder how you would feel if your guildies ignored their duties if RDF suddenly existed.

Based on what I have read from you in the past, and based on your apparent PvE merits, you don’t convince me that you’re not part of the elite, and have a vested interest in keeping RDF out of the game.