What is classic?

I am writing this post, about a day before the cataclysm classic launch officially goes live, but classic wow came out 5 years ago in 2019. And in that time, we have seen numerous changes being made to the classic experience during that time. Hard to believe it has been that long actually.

Alot of those changes, completely go against the spirit of classic in my op, and are truly anti classic changes. So what is classic? So, classic started out with the branding of classic and #nochanges. That was originally what classic started out as. Then the idea of #somechanges came out. And in my op, those changes should have been limited to bug fixes or game breaking stuffs. Others were ok when bc classic hit. Such as overtuning bosses so that it wasn’t a cheese fest for example.

But other changes, have also been added. That are mainly part of the retail experience. Such as the dungeon finder. I was hoping this was kept out. But others have been added to, such as the wow tokens. And the paid level boosts. And now we have cata classic, with all the rpg elements being taken away, such as ammo, as well as not being able to hybrid spec with talent trees on the classes anymore. And homogenization.

Classic to me, was supposed to fix all of the changes that retail added that were bad for the game, and gave it more of the retail feel. That is what classic is to me. Like if I was in charge, cataclysm classic would have ammo in the game. No dungeon finders or level boosts of any kind. Etc. Classic has basically turned into retail in my op and is a retail 2.0 nostalgia rush experience now.

So I ask the community, what is classic? What does it actually mean. Because it doesn’t mean what I thought it meant back when classic wow first started.

I honestly thought that era realms for each expansion would also exist, although it wasn’t promised. We got vanilla era. But nothing more than that. I just wanted permanent wrath. Wrath included not only the old overworld, but also outlands, northrends, and death knights. As well as all the old talent trees, ammo, hybrid specs, and the overall leveling and class designs that I enjoyed more than vanilla or bc.

So, with all that said, what is classic? Curious what everyone’s definition of classic is.


The #nochanges ship has sailed and blizzard started embrace #somechanges because to be fair, some things in original weren’t that great.

Classic to me is about re-experiencing the game and its expansions as it was back then, that means it includes features that you may or may not like with some changes sprinkled on it.

Also I have said this a week or 2 ago, Blizzard would’ve said something about Wrath era servers by now and were on the literal last day of Wrath classic, I get you want wrath era but you have been barking up a tree for an answer that was already given to you months ago, they had no plans on doing and they still have no plans on doing it.

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I understand your next words is about hybrids which actually does have some rpg elements, but ammo is your first on the list?

You people don’t actually know what an rpg is.

You just list a bunch of buzzwords, condemn the game as being “retail” and cope.

At least you made a thread instead of necroing one this time, congrats, proud of you.

Move on though, you’re free. Maybe go play an actual rpg during this time and you’ll feel vastly different about the rpg elements in wow


To me Classic is a focus on the open world, community, and adventuring.

The more the game moves to instanced content, layering, mega servers, and dungeon/raid spam, the less it feels like Classic to me and the more I question why I’m even playing this game.

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Bro telling others to move on but keep commenting on his hate for Wrath :skull:

Keep going number #1 LuLCow :cow2:

Where did I say I hate wrath?

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I watched a youtube video this weekend and I think this guy says it well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fppwfilXi5w

In literally every post you’ve made :skull:

Now you acting like you never have said that before, actually embarrassing :rofl:

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Shouldn’t be hard to quote me then.


This seems much more like an ideal than a well defined list of specifics.

To me, it depends a little on the context, which can sometimes be inferred. Classic seems to tend to mean the Classic series, and wherever that currently is in its progression (Blizzard’s folder naming convention), the version of Classic 2019, commonly referred to as Classic Era, or just Era, sometimes people use it to refer to OG Vanilla WoW (I find this to be quite confusing), and sometimes as you’ve noted in your OP (original post), some ideal version of WoW that removes “the things I don’t like” from Retail.

To me, Classic is the name Blizzard has appended to its rerelease of older content, with whatever changes Blizzard decides to make.



I’m primarily a retail player, but I have enjoyed leveling in Wrath, and I wish they would keep a server, so I could continue doing that. But it is what it is. Classic is meant to show the old expansions. With that, some things have changed like class tuning and QOL aspects of the game. But there’s no feature that was ever going to be preserved past when it originally went away. The changes in original Cata are what’s coming in Cata Classic, and it was always going to be that way. Some of the changes you’re unhappy with were always going to happen at the proper time. Dungeon Finder was introduced at the end of Wrath in Patch 3.3, and that’s when it was added to Classic. Similarly, LFR won’t be added to Cata Classic until Patch 4.3 when it originally came out.

For me, I play Classic for primarily 2 things: seeing the old world that is inaccessible in Retail and playing the classes as they used to be. With Cata, only the second still applies, but that’s good enough for me to level some characters there.

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This is the biggest reason why I like classic. Retail has just messed this up badly.


Classic was the recreation of the old expansions. Once they changed wrath it was over.

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Was a part of original wrath.

You’re being hypocritical, just last week you were saying that wrath classic was perfect.

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People don’t hate wrath, we’re just tired of the spam. You are on a lot of copium.

I think the dungeon finder was really one of the only bad things about wrath. Well, phasing was bad to in my op and is heavily overused now in retail. I also find being able to teleport to pvp battlegrounds a bad thing to. Wrath should have just made it so you had to walk to the battleground entrances to que up.

Other than those things though, wrath was perfect.

Also, in reply to your other comment about spam.

And we are tired of permanent wrath classic servers not getting made. Like we no longer care. You don’t like us spamming. To bad. We don’t like blizzard not giving us permanent wrath classic servers. It’s really that simple.

Like it is so annoying. You folks don’t like us spamming. We don’t like that blizzard won’t give us permanent wrath classic. Like I do not give a rip what anyone says anymore. I will keep protesting until permanent wrath classic gets made.

Imagine willingly paying a company for not giving you what you want just so you can complain about them not giving you what you want


I actually cancelled my sub eariler today. But it was the year one. So I have until about a year until I cannot post anymore. So your comment is null and void.

But I will protest until then.

So…you bought a year sub after knowing you weren’t going to get any Wrath servers?