RIP Cata Classic

That isn’t rage, not sorry that you’re emotionally destabalized and can’t tell the difference.

To which you replied with that I say it in every post, and you never quoted me on it, because you’re also just a liar. I don’t expect much from the guy who got mad and spam liked his own posts a while back against me.

And where did I do that? All you did was take random quotes with no context and try to label me as mad and nothing more, then want to follow it up with some point that has no relevance to anything you quoted.

I remember that thread. It had nothing to do with whether I care if cata comes out broken or not, and had everything to do with your whining about wrath, because at the end of the day you’re just another whale who will whine and moan about Blizzard then still turn around and give them money and play a different version of the game.

My point was entirely about your whining and moaning. I couldn’t care less if cata has bugs or not.

Run away again schizo, go find more random quotes and pretend to make any sort of connection between them.

Where is Floki and your other alts? It’s the only way for you to feel good is to quite literally like your own posts, because god knows the only other people who will agree with you are hardstuck 1600 shamans, an elderly man with dementia, and a forum alt who spammed how they were quitting for 6 months straight. What a line up.