What is classic?

No. I had high hopes and had faith in blizzard that they would give me a permanent wrath classic server. But I was wrong. Very wrong.

But yah, I guess if they still don’t give in, then they must not want my money anymore.

We’ve known since the Cataclysm Classic announcement that there were no plans for Wrath era servers. In fact, since TBC didn’t get era servers there was no reason to automatically assume Wrath would get any as far back as then, too. And yet you still bought a year sub

Oh no how will Blizzard ever financially recover…….anyway


Oh I know. They don’t need anyone’s money. Blizzard makes trilllions of dollars a second. But they can’t spare some of that excess money for one permanent wrath classic server at a small net loss. Greed.

That’s the funny thing. They could easily create permanent wrath classic and still be perfectly fine at a net loss. I guess I just would run my business how blizzard did originally. When they actually seemed to give a shred of a rip about the fans.

Oh well. Only a matter of time before the people who are currently happy with the direction the game is taking are super mad a blizz and want to quit over it. But I won’t have any sympathy for them

Yeah, I get it. Blizzard hurt your fee fees so you’re gonna take it out on all the people who had no part in that decision. You’ve got a captive audience that you can ef with and that’s your real goal. Good to see you owning up to your childish behavior.


And I hurt your fee fees because I keep posting about wrath classic.

He was never going to quit. Blizzard was right. Almost no one wants wrath era. They’ll just play another version.


A re-release of a past expansion. That’s as simple as it needs to be in a world where classic era still exists.


When people first started asking for wrath era people were sympathetic. We just explained why it wasn’t happening as gently as possible. Then you decided to mess with the smooth functioning of the forum and we got pissed. Now we laugh that you’re not getting wrath.


You keep saying things like this like some “you’ll be sorry!” moment when the reality is the rest of us are just going to move on with our lives instead of throwing a months-long tantrum over it. We know our individual favorite expansions aren’t going to get era servers and we’re fine with it. We know eventually there will be a Classic for our least favorite expansion that we don’t want to play, and we’re fine with it. Because there’s more to life than any of that, and it’s frankly quite pitiable that yours seems to revolve around this. Find another hobby, video games seem to have an unhealthy effect on your mindset


The only thing I would quit over is my technical issues. My computer is dying, and apparently now one of my dalaran files are corrupted (whenever I try to log in to a character that is in dalaran, I get DC’d with an error of WOW51900323).

Edit; btw, if anyone knows of a fix, it’d be appreciated lol

This. It’s one thing to have a thread and bump it and being self contained.

Necroing thread after thread, denying the necro and lying to everyone’s face about it, on top of being so painfully annoying just ruins any sympathy for wrath era.

I still don’t care either way if the servers exist or not, but it is very funny now watching these individuals have a mental breakdown every day in real time instead of doing literally anything else

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tl;dr. And totally irrelevant. People spend so much time arguing what is classic and what is not for zero purpose. Ignoring the offshoots (sod, hc) You have Vanilla, The current retail release (Dragonflight in this case) and the current historical progression version (soon to be cata) That is all the description that is required and the only versions that are required. Play what you like or play something else. I really don’t care. Personally I will continue with the current historical version.

To me classic represents a time when wow was a lot simpler, less homogenized, less bloated and spell animations still looked good. And on the negative side, more grindy and time consuming.

Would I like classic to be less grindy and time wasting like retail is? Yes 100%, but I’m willing to put up with the grind for better spell animations, better class design and less content/spell bloat.

Classic also represents a time when micro ccs didn’t dominate the pvp meta. I hate micro ccs with a passion.

im 100% sure theyre either gonna remix or make sod versions.
i really just hope next time they keep a few servers.
its just extremely disappointing…why is era the only one able to stay?

The signal to all that WoW is nearly dead.

“Classic”, “Legacy”, “OldSchool” these are just signs that the ‘current’ version isn’t retaining numbers and, so, the last ditch effort is to bring back the “glory days” by introducing retro servers. Which lure us back in with the promise of ‘being like it was’. – Spoiler: It will never be ‘like it was’; the game’s different, with new hardware, new netcode – you’re different – your internet’s different.

And yet I’m still having a good time.

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I love how defeatist your comments are. Blizzard could litteraly get away with murder, and it would be all like. Umm yah. It’s kind of stupid. But it is what it is boyz. Deal with it.

Like no. A stupid decision is a stupid decision. And I am just calling out blizzard for removing permanent wrath classic servers. They failed to deliver #nochanges. And they are doing what they did in 2010 all over again. Sorry. That is freakin stupid. Oh well. They will make their newer communities extremely mad some day. And then they will quit or whatever. And the cycle will continue.

Oh well. I am just warning people continuing what they are in for. Regardless of how stupid the changes blizzard might be making in cata classic. And trust me. They will make a ton of stupid decisions going forward. Nobody is allowed to cry or post on the forums about it. Specially those who argued with me about permanent wrath classic era servers. Like you people better not complain about a darn thing.

First, I will make comment on any aspect of the game that I choose. If there is an improvement that I think would help, I will ask. Once. What I will not to is spam the forums eight to ten times a day and threaten to do so until I get my way.

Here is a point for you to consider. Several times in this thread you have called blizzard stupid. And you have said so in multiple threads. Do you really think that it is a good idea to be calling them names when they are the same group of people that can give you what you want? Doesn’t sound too smart to me.

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There is probably a cost/benefit analysis that has been done on era servers and there are multple factors as to why we wont be getting era servers for any expansion.

When Classic era came out along with TBC classic, Classic era at that time was pretty much a ghost town and population only started to increase years later mainly because of nostalgia, Hardcore and SoD but even then, its still a ghost town on normal era realms, the only reason I can think of why they are preserving Vanilla but not, TBC, Wrath and Cata once it reaches its life cycle is because Vanilla has pretty much a community and that community for years have been wanting Vanilla to be officially re-released and preserved. Making servers for TBC era and Wrath era cost money and if there is very few people playing like there is for Classic era, there wont be a return on investment.

You also have to consider the fact that having wrath era servers stuck in ICC + RC purgatory is just going to have less players then what Wrath era had when it was current and if your going to have less players, the systems of this game is going to struggle or not work, MMOs need players to facilitate these systems, if your queue time for a gamma is either bouncing between 10 minutes to an hour plus constantly then thats because of less players and there will be less items posted on the AH.

The cope is hard in these threads now that servers are actually down.

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