What happened to your skilled folks?

The sky is falling.

Nobody buy DF … the AH isn’t working.

The end is nigh.

[insert grasping at straws meme]

Another private poster I can’t ignore. /sigh

Oh darn. My day has been interrupted and my life is at an end. You can’t block me cause I think your nonsense is exactly that.

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enjoy your forum vacation.


Oh? Please do tell me how I’ll be getting a “forum vacation” …?

Inquiring minds truly want to know.

Can anyone tell me if there is a way to ignore a troll with a private account? I should know but I don’t.

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Bug free software? What planet are you living on?

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I got you fam. You can tip my secretary on the way out.

I’ll be waiting for my “vacation” with anticipation too.

Courtesy of a 10 second google search. You’re welcome.

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Gawd but the morons really come out at night, is it a full moon? They seem to be incapable of debate and resort to insulting. A sign of weak-mindedness.

Man this topic sure is new and exciting. It’s almost like they needed a live environment with lots of players to test this. Who knew?

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Oooooooo ……


No, they needed a skilled software test engineer. Modern wow is yoloing their content, they are content to let you pay for the game and a sub to be a qa department.

They are taking advantage of their paying customers.

OP thinks everyone should agree with them or they’re trolling. It’s classic.

Maybe if they ignore enough people they’ll have an echo chamber.

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Dude nearly every MMO on the market does this. How is this newsworthy? Bugs exist. Some bugs arent found until thousands of people interact with a system. I dont get why you have such unrealistic expectations of these people. Unless you’re looking for something shallow to nitpick them for. This is insane.


Because I have the real-life experience to know when I am being taken advantage of.

This is now a common experience. The AH is a small example of the multitude of times they have yolo’d it on to the backs of paying customers. Without so much as an explanation, it adds insult to injury.

This is your bar for being taken advantage of? I think I get it now, I’m going to go find someone more reasonable to talk to. Good day sir.


Ok so how do you explain the S4 fiasco and the raiding affixes, not getting credit for kills etc et al.

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Eve did it 20 years ago. I’m sure it will be f…we’re doomed.

They have never had bug free systems.