What happened to the dev teams that were so strongly against RDF?

So you think the story behind his firing is a lie and that he got fired so the rest of the team could put in ret buffs?

Is that really the story you’re running with here?

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Lol nah dude.

But Brian’s vision went with him. And in it’s place was a whole bunch of changes streamers were asking for, of which the Ret buff was the first of many.

Not a bad change either btw.

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Thankfully yes.

I’ve never seen streamers ask for any of these changes?

Well, maybe outside of RDF after they realized how much of a waste of time the game is without it. It’s on them to not realize this before the game launched but we can’t all have played the original and seen this exact same thing play out before.

The hand of reckoning change was literally recommended by a streamer. I forget the dudes name, will look it up when I’m not on mobile. Doesn’t make it a bad idea btw. I think it was Surveillant that recommended it.

At any rate my point wasn’t to single out the Pally buff but rather a number of player campaigned for changes that have happened since Brian’s departure.

The worst of them being the druid debacle.

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OK, but the time line has this being committed to while Brian was still at the company so I don’t see the relevance?

The druid idea was fine, it was just poorly implemented and communicated worse than a toddler could, I doubt this would’ve changed if Brian had still been at the wheel. It’s not like he was great at communicating crap either.

So the ret buff that happened under his watch, the feral buff (that admittedly was a screwup) and RDF is why you think Brian got fired?

After announcing the end of his tenure. You’re effectively powerless after that. Doing a hand over.

I don’t really want to fight over the Pally buff, a lot more happened after that. It’s just generally been more chaotic. In some ways better and in some ways worse. But not very cohesive generally.


He was more or less banished on the same day that happened, on jan 23rd.

Feral buffs and RDF, what else?

The token? You think he would’ve stopped that?

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Yeah I do. I think Brian definitely would have opposed a token.

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OK, that’s fair I guess.

I think he was more harmful to the game than he did good personally and at the time the token was implemented the RMT in the game was way too far gone anyway cause of inaction by Blizzard under his watch.

No. The put it in exactly the same time period that they put it in last time. RDF did not come when Wrath came out.

Is this the new anti rdf cope? Ya boi said it wasn’t coming in period then they changed their stance after.


Na. He “left on his own terms”. Thats how he words it.

Yup, going “I was right” on repeat as if their stupid opinion ever mattered.


As if your opinion mattered. You didn’t have a thing to do with RDF coming in. I said ICC drop that’s when it came in last time. My god you people want it to be just like the way it was before and yet don’t even know the way it was before…still waiting for that WoTLK CLASSIC link btw. lol. Im not anti RDF I just didnt want it coming in earlier than it was supposed to.

It wasn’t an opinion. It was a fact.

Oh and btw…I was right.

Clearly, all I did was ask for RDF.

Okay but I got just one question for you about it being added… was I right? Or was I right?

Your guess turned out to be accurate based on absolutely nothing, yes.


By your logic, what patch did it make sense to add H+ and H++ to classic?


At one time Blizz was also against classic and here we are.

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Called this months ago

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