What happened to the dev teams that were so strongly against RDF?

What happened to them? How did they change their mind?

Edit - I remember that for the whole past year, Blizz was against RDF so strongly. It made players to struggle almost the whole best expansion. Now they confirmed RDF in the last phase so easily. It makes me feel stange.


It’s a team of around 30 people unless it’s grown, they’re going to have different opinions about things. Brian Birmingham was the lead and he was strongly against implementing RDF. He’s gone, they’re implementing it.


More RDF threads. I always said I wanted it to come later and that I was sure it was going to come later and it did. Now that it has come you people are now beginning to complain about the fact that that you actually got it. They were not against it so strongly They were strongly against it coming out with WOTLK launch as many had requested it to. But yes, another RDF thread. You complain when you dont have it and now the same group of people is going to complain that you actually got it.

Id have to say that over all, Legion did better than Wrath. Wrath sold 2.8 million first 24 hours, legion 3.3.

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Who knows. You’d have to ask them. Might as well ask them how they think the wowtoken fits in Classic.


Time shows flaws in the plan, and you readjust.

they also see all data.

My! server is fine when I play, goes some players.

Cool, how about OB or say remulos NOT on their primetime. the game runs 24/7. Not jsut raid night 2000 to 2300 2 nights a week lol.
even mega’s get slow in the dead of the night for their local server times.

I see whitemane slow at its local 0400 time. Same for grobb and atiesh.

this will collect up all the night owls. Or people in OCE or asia when its still, say, 2000 for us. Like it has for bg anywhere.

They left Blizzard, people like Brian Birmingham simply left the company or got booted.


Brian got fired and he was the main driver against rdf. He’s gone so they put it in.


They just say what they think people want to hear, and then when things change they update it. It’s a politician’s level of thought going into what they say; they say what they think they need to say and when it changes they update it and put a positive spin on it.

They were never going to do character boosts, against spirit of classic. That philosophy literally didn’t even make it to TBC.

Token was never coming to Classic, then it came to China, then it was never coming to west. Here we are.

No Changes warped real fast. The tweaks were small at first, but now by WoTLK they’ve done some pretty significant changes in the name of trying to preserve balance.

RDF didn’t make sense for the community and they tried to compromise with their own addition. Now RDF is here.


By Brian’s own admission their own team was split against and for it, it was likely only by his decision it was not put in and was never going to be.

Or more likely, they wanted to appease the anti-rdf people until it didn’t make sense anymore and then put it in like a huge gesture of “we listened”

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He left in like January. If he was the sole decider in that I highly doubt it would take them until ICC to drop it in when the expansion is practically over.


Which is why it was likely ALWAYS the plan, but put in in a way that makes it look like they’re “listening to the community”


Your retail bias here is showing.

Noting I am not saying it’s wrong to have it.

Ion is the master of the ripcord at this point. And has mentored classic devs when on retail before we had vanilla redo.

And it always gets some kool aid drinking white knight going…see what a great company.

A great company would have fixed things much earlier. But better late than never. One takes what one gets when they get it, eventually.

I don’t have a bias towards either, it’s just Blizzard MO to “create problem, sell solution” only by sell, they’re selling PR by making it look like they’re listening.


It gets old too.

I am hoping cata doesn’t follow the trend. Some left retail for this. I did. It’s not needed, or wanted, in 2 game versions.

Well not so much leave. I like x.3 patches. I am sure DF will be way better…at 10.3. Even sl got way better at 10.3.

Cata, imo, doesn’t have the luxury of this.

they finally listened to the player base that was actually still playing Wrath instead of ERA and HC


DF is actually one expansion since probably mop i’ve enjoyed since the start of it.

Brian was probably the biggest opponent of RDF on the team and he was fired for refusing to give a small number of his team members poor ratings when he felt they were all doing well and couldn’t choose a sacrificial lamb.

With him gone it’s more than likely that his replacement didn’t have the same feeling about RDF and allowed the classic team to start working on it.


He quit/was fired cause he wanted to defend his co-workers (which is noble enough in itself). All there is to it really.

Thankfully we won’t have to hear his adorable story about asking some guy to tank in Wailing Caverns again.


It was originally introduced during that patch ICC… The game was then built around that as well. So it makes sense to wait till phase 4…

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OK so since you’re just another clone of that argument.

Why was RDF the sole game feature to receive this treatment? No other game feature has been left out till it was “properly introduced” in all of classic.

So why was RDF the odd one out please?