What happened to the dev teams that were so strongly against RDF?

Most of their design decisions that are actual changes seem based on whatever random idea the devs have with little thought to whether it is appropriate for classic or how the community will react.


Right? Also, I think they should have waited until after the pure run to start with SoM and here’s why. Leave Classic Era for the people that have no interest in TBC. See how many just absolutely get bored and quit. Then after TBC launches, you can see how many of the players that quit Classic Era come back for TBC and how many just keep fiddling around in Classic Era.

Once you know how that’s likely to pan out, start experimenting with a temp SoM or whatever. I do think it’s actually pretty cool that they’ve decided to implement Hardcore server rulesets. Nothing I was ever interested in, but clearly there’s an audience out there.

Yeah, the timing of SoM wasn’t very good. And the changes they made were extremely niche.

By the way, I believe SoM was such a failure and so unpopular that it pissed off the Classic Team. They looked at Wrath and said, “You know what? We’re not even going to give you an option. THIS is our vision. Deal with it!”


Honestly it holds as much water as anything else at this point. I’m glad I’m never gonna work there.

I literally just watched it 30 seconds ago. They said they were putting in RDF “due to player feedback”.

It’s nonsense, of course, because all it has been is a small group of whiners here on the forums. The game doesn’t need RDF. RDF sucks and will make the “classic experience” even worse than it already is. You know, kind of the way it did the first time around. Cata was a trash fire; the main reasons were RDF and Cross-Realm (the difficulty level didn’t help either).

Classic is about to go further down the tubes. Congrats, whiners.

No, it was quite possibly the best decision they made about the game. Reversing it is a huge mistake.

Welcome to Retail 2.0. You’re going to hate it if you already hate Retail.

Hey, we already have Septicflesh admitting that his phony opposition to adding rdf was entirely to screw with other players.

you’re a bit late and really don’t need to continue the charade.

Nah the small minority is the people who don’t like RDF, it was a massively popular feature back in the day and still is. Since it you know actually fixes a lot of issues unlike H++ and the garbage LFG Tool we have instead. The best part is if you don’t like RDF you are free to simply not use as it’s a you know optional feature, keep forming groups how you do now, noone cares.

I guess vanilla classic was also just retail 2.0 since it had CRBG’s.


But…she didn’t say that. She didn’t say they’re including it because of player feedback. They just said they’ve seen people ask for it for leveling. I guess I just don’t interpret that as, ‘We’re including it because you asked for it’, because the following sentence she clarified that they agree it’s good…for lower level dungeons. It’s not that players asked for it; it’s that they think it’s useful for leveling dungeons. That’s the only concession they made.

If it was really about player feedback, RDF would have been in the game a year ago. And they certainly didn’t remove it due to player feedback, since they never once asked the players about RDF before taking it out.


Brian Birmingham was the classic WoW lead dev. He was against RDF. He got fired/left (thankfully). Now we get RDF.

Basically the Wrath playerbase had to have a lower quality grouping tool for a year because a guy who doesn’t play the game said so.

Now, rejoice!


no one cares about the classic experience anymore. that crap died when tbc came out.

Calling it Retail 2.0 because a Wrath system is included in Wrath Classic is just absurd. He defines Retail by RDF? A system that isn’t even used at max level? Without which no one would run dungeons while leveling (like Wrath Classic). That’s the definition of Retail?

Just a terrible take.

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This was always their plan. They’re doing the same thing they did in 2009 for the same reasons.

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If this was always their plan they would have just announced that up front(like they did with BG’s in vanilla classic)

And reasons they added RDF in wrath originally would have dictated it be in at launch since the issues it addresses were not specific to ICC.


Announcing it would have locked them in to a time. This way they could just announce it whenever they got around to it/when they needed to inject excitement into the game.

I’ve been saying it for a year. Not “it’s probably coming.” Not “it might come later.” Unequivocally, for a year. “They’ll release RDF after TOGC.” And here we are.

Did you know they put arenas in TBC Classic? Might as well just call it Retail!

Once again if that was their plan they would have just announced it, instead we were told a hard no. Which they final flip flopped on, predictably as they had no good reason not to have RDF.


It’s not for the same reasons. RDF didn’t come until 3.3.0 for no other reason than that was when it was finally ready. They wanted it as far back as Vanilla’s launch. I could post Rob Pardo’s interview again, but what’s the point.


The ret buffs and Brians firing happened pretty much in the same week, I don’t think you can draw this connection.

It’s classic, we’re not looking for innovation.



Good thing you can keep going as if it wasn’t implemented eh?

Yeah they did, funny that eh.

I can, and some people were drawing that conclusion at the time too.

That doesn’t mean it was a bad decision. But it was justified on the basis of “player feedback” following the announcement of Brian’s incoming departure.

I mean, Birmingham made some pretty rubbish decisions in my book too.

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