What happened to the dev teams that were so strongly against RDF?

Called in sick, ate some bad salmon

there were plenty of changes in classic

Not really. Oh no, I don’t have to shift-click to auto-loot! I don’t have to shut the client down mid flight-path to land at the next spot. I can just click a button instead.

Classic was very authentic. Removing a core system from Wrath is not. Neither is WG as a cross-realm bg. And tokens. And adding Mythic dungeons, and a broken version of Retail’s lfg tool. And everything else they’ve done to it.


100% Agree. I don’t care if RDF is added or not added, but they’ve changed a lot of things and added things that was even in the original release. I think those who are #nochanges and no RDF need to just stop.

They’ve modified this away from original so much that not adding reasonable things into this “classic experience” is nothing more than an excuse.

A lot of people figured it was likely to come with the ICC patch.
Or guessed it was, you could say.

You choose to hang your hat on that like you’re some great Nostradamus.

Don’t know why you’re so anti-RDF, but I should have known considering you never played OG wrath, don’t even have perky pug…


Mate the games bleeding players who cares if they have it or not. Damage was done when they ignored server health and profited off paid transfers for years.

RDF is bad game design straight and true for an healthy server. We don’t have healthy servers anymore so who cares

rdf is good even if you have a perfect server


It isn’t. It hurts the server community and facilitates gameplay design that was the downfall of retail.

That being said when there’s no community there’s no reason not to have it. The devs have been so horrendously bad the entirety of classics life it’s a moot point. It’s wild how bad this company is compared to jagex

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Im not anti RDF. Ive done it a lot. I never said I was against it, not once, not ever. I just said I didnt want it to come in before ICC drop cuz it came out with ICC last time, you understand?

there was never a server community… that was always a lie


They NEVER listened to any if the anti rdf players. They have a few streaners thst they they take feedback from and thats it. The anti rdfrs were the same ppl against dual spec and where did that get them? They were ignored and should have been.

Blizz doesnt understand what the appeal of classic is so just like the players that quit but dont know why, they just assume any change was bad.

Haha. One of the biggest jokes. Server community.

Omg when i was 12 i used to notice everything and would recignize players in sw so we had server community

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The real question is if RDF will be implemented “as it was then”? Or are they going to add their own little version, which by default, is horrible for the customer base.


Wrath Classic has completely disproven that theory.

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Icc isnt the last phase.

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“…and the furtive Ruby Sanctum, so easily forgotten…”

I’ll take Ruby Sanctum over ToC any day.

Hard disagree from me on that.
RS being a one boss dungeon makes it easily forgettable and boring, at least ToGC has more than one boss.

That’s fair, fun is subjective and all that.

I’d rather have 1 memorable fight than 5 bleh ones. It is what it is :>

Oh I get that for sure, neither raid is super great in the end.