What features will MOP be missing due to lack of devs?

Cata has been a clown fiesta so far from beta.

What content will MOP miss out on? brawlers guild? challenge modes? LFR again?


LFR (considering that DS isnt going to have it)
The farm 100% functional on the tillers (I would have to even see it how this devs release the farm but I doubt it will be on a non bugged state I would be surprised if they manage to get it working correctly)

Those two comes right on top right now… I don’t think they will have much issues with the serpent dragon questline surely.


Probably still wont have the teleport to the Valentines Day event fixed.


The talents will show up in your profession tab and the professions will show up in your talents window. Neither will work for a month

  • Brawlers Guild eternally delayed.
  • Cross-realm Zones (CRZ) bugged to the point where devs don’t bother adding it at all.
  • Farmville plagued with numerous bugs throughout progression stages that won’t be noticed until enough players get to each point.
  • Challenge Modes undertuned.
  • LFR added in an overtuned state with more bugs than anyone could imagine.
  • At least one leveling zone will be plagued with numerous phasing bugs.
  • Jade Forest initial quests bugged and unable to handle entire realms’ worth of people in one spot, even with layering.
  • Sha of Anger spawn will bug and likely be fixed in one spot ala retail.
  • Golden Lotus pre-5.4 content bugged/missing.
  • Vale of Eternal Blossoms bugged/missing assets due to 5.4’s destruction overwriting the zone’s data, and devs failing to copy+paste 5.0’s version in.
  • 5.4 Vale will also be bugged/missing assets when it’s eventually re-added.
  • At least one raid boss in T14 will have a bugged ability that either trivializes the encounter or insta-gibs people when it shouldn’t.
  • Cataclysm UI assets (profession training window, etc.) still not added, and character stat pane still bugged until it is retail-ized in WoD Classic.
  • MoP’s auto-spell learning will have one spell not auto-learn (probably a Hunter ability), and class trainers won’t be able to teach it.

Basically…whatever they try to change. Since they seem to break whatever they touch.


Here’s What Will Happen:

  • MoP will get hyped up
  • prepatch will launch
  • Blizz will make a bunch of promises to increase hype
  • Blizz will abandon the game and refuse to communicate for months

That’s the current Classic model


when cata launched, they released a MOP version for retail. I’d like to think there are some lessons learned about getting the MOP version of the code working on the dragonflight client that will be beneficial for the classic realms.

This guy knows whats up with classic.

don’t forget SoD2 will get announced a week after MoP launches and it will come with several new features including:

  • new raids
  • new dungeons
  • new Battleground
  • increased level cap
  • horde paladins and alliance shaman
  • new abilities and talents
  • changes to existing dungeons and raids
  • abandoned quest lines get finished and new quest lines added
  • Caverns of Time event that will let players go down “what if…?” events as dungeons/raids with a new raid and dungeon rotating weekly
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Why would DS have LFR when the loot is going to be obtained in anther way?

It took Blizzard over a year to fix the Extra Action button they broke during the beta phase when they removed guild perks and added retail transmog. Who knows how badly they might have broken LFR and how long it will take for them to fix it.

Don’t see how this is a bad thing.

Well you forgot to add because the devs will be focusing on TBC Classic 2.0 (which is 100% fine since TBC was way better then mop)

Well you do understand that those are seperate teams within blizz and they are actually not allowed to talk about projects. So this is very doubtful.

too real man…too real…

Anyone else scared of what changes they are going to do to TBC?

TBCC prepatch is actually when I joined Classic (during 9.1 SL drought)
I’m mega hyped for TBCCA (classic+anniver) just to play prot paladin to 70, get some T4, face tank Shattered Halls and quit for good lol

I just raid Cata on 1 main now weekly.
I play this Brewmaster on retail keys only. I’m just waiting for my guild in Classic to die out and then I can quit WoW for good.

According to Blue Post DS will have LFR. “(and its LFR mode)”

This, Extremely annoying a main update feature of cataclysm “spell procs” specifically is still not in the game even though it’s been known since beta. It’s like they just accept Addons & Weakauras as a blanket fix for it even though not everyone uses it. So people that dont use addon’s like that dont even know it was a thing in cata. This is certainly not the “blizzard polish” we had once grown to love but sadly is a thing of the past.

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I take everything I said back, go back to posting chatgpt it had better takes

Don’t forget that all this is pure conjecture.

This is an older post. Here is a quote from a more recent one.

NO LFR :tada: :grinning: :tada:

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The answer is very simple but I know it will leave you totally confused. Many casuals play the game for fun and lfr is fun for them. Loot is a secondary consideration, having fun is the first.