What features will MOP be missing due to lack of devs?

They can run normal, which is easy and enjoyable. Additionally, I have never met anyone who considers LFR to be “fun.”

Then you’re too stupid to read. Several people here have told you it’s fun for them. This video is designed to teach children to read in two weeks. I think it will be perfect for you.


Again you completely lack any reading comprehension. It’s been explained to you by many people in simple third grade level english. Most of us aren’t real life losers who can do scheduled runs multiple times a week like you claim to do. We actually have friends in the real world. We do a guild run on our main and lfr with our alts. We do it just for fun with no goal of even getting a complete set of lfr gear.

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Think positive people.

If retail devs forgot about frog abuse for remix…we’d get it too!

I’d see it have lfr only because its baked in off the tape backups. Cata they removed crap, and can’t put it back in. Don’t fix what isn’t broken…some need to find out the hard way.

Less money, less devs…now its even more work to remove it.

Then again in WoD, then legion. I try to optimistic about seeing those.

My optimism is more I see the CFO at some point will be going by WoD…no. No, you will not have your 500K budget to remove LFR, again. Stop asking for money to pull crap in the game the first time.

More like Microsoft will lay off half of the remaining classic team once SoD finishes and MoP will fall apart.

I hope you are wrong.

I want to see yet another fresh wow classic version go to crap economy wise that is gdkp free. Then its time to play…what is the next excuse for bots and rmt this time.

the threads amuse me, its a selfish reason.

You meant to say, they can run normal which is easy and enjoyable for you to buy gear and make money of GDKP, since LFR would interrupt that. Here is your take on why you don’t want LFR:

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Are you a psychic? Can you actually read my mind? STOP misconstruing what I type to fit your own agenda.

It is important to recognize that there are various options for participating in normal runs. These include MS/OS, SR runs, Guild runs, and pug runs. GDKP is not the only method to experience the content. Not everything is related to GDKP’s.

LFR would not have interfered with any GDKP runs, as people would have been able to participate in both LFR and either complete or partially clear Normal and Heroic raiding.

Additionally, this quote

does not provide any facts or evidence as to why I do not want LFR.

I have posted my real reasons multiple times in the past. Why don’t you properly quote those reasons?

One thing that will be interesting to see, will be the weekly content. MoP is one of the first expansions to really push the envelop on delayed content releases in a patch.

For example The Throne of Thunder Isle, the dailies opened up over the course of like 5-6 weeks, Each week opening a different scenario and different dailies.

I wonder if they plan to do the same with all the release content, or as each phase hits just open it in final stage. Was def fun back in the day to see the story unfold and new things pop up each week. But I can see this being very resource draining on their part.

This is a core feature though that still happens in retail with new content.

What will MOP be missing due to lack of devs?


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Flagged for trolling, enjoy your vacation as you’re so FOND of saying to everyone else.


It’s important to clarify that correcting someone by providing updated information is not trolling. My intention was simply to share a more recent post from a developer to ensure accurate and current information is being discussed.

Given the repeated misrepresentation of my statements, I have reported your behavior.

Go for it, you’ll have to report 90% of the other forum users too, btw this is definitely trolling…

You’re deliberately antagonizing those who wish to have LFR included as it’s SUPPOSED TO BE. Enjoy the vacation.


They’ll probably rework dailies in an effort to reduce grind, and wind up entirely breaking the system, making it so some people can exploit it and get fully exalted across the board in a few hours.

They will not be punished.

It just merely shows that im happy and celebrating. Its not a troll.

LFR is not the only thing that was “supposed” to be in the game but got removed from Cata classic. I’ll provide you a list.

Cataclysm Removed Features:

  1. Achievements: Several achievements were removed or converted to Feats of Strength
  2. Raid Achievements: Achievements for raids like Naxxramas and Ulduar were removed
  3. Dungeon Emblems: Achievements for acquiring dungeon emblems were removed
  4. Pre-Cataclysm Raids: Achievements for pre-Cataclysm raids were removed
  5. Cash Flow Guild perk
  6. Mass Summon Guild perk
  7. Mass Res guild perk that allowed everyone to mass res (not just classes with a healer spec)
  8. Void Storage
  9. OG Transmog
  10. LFR



Are you going to raid in mop or just sit in forums all day?

Are you speaking to me? First of all MoP isn’t RELEASED yet. Secondly, I’m at work, if it’s any of your concern. Thirdly, I might raid if LFR is released. Not that any of this should matter to you, reported AGAIN for trolling. Enjoy the vacation. Especially rich coming from the person that injects into just about every forum topic that gets posted.


It is trolling but the moderators don’t deal with that type of low level troll. You’re gloating, it’s poor winner behavior. When rdf was added I never gloated on the forums or attempted to rub salt in their wounds. But I could tell from your posts that you would be a poor winner. Good sportsmanship isn’t something you learned as a child.

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When you win you celebrate.

What did you win exactly? Was there some sort of competition you entered?

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