Please Combine Megaservers (To Save Mop)

I posted this a while ago after Blizzard themselves said they were working on combining megaservers “Benediction” and “Faerlina”

You don’t even have to combine them, Use retail sharding or whatever its called. It’s introduced in MOP and it should be introduced in MOP Classic.

Having 99% faction servers ruins the game

Blizzard said they were going to do something about it last year and, well, as expected, no news, no updates, no nothing, but hey plunderstorm came out (LOL)

Stop doing this to us Blizzard. Even retail was a shetshow at one point recently. Why can’t you guys get anything right? But hey releasing some TOKYO DRIFT!

Old devs would look back at the abomination WoW team has become and feel ashamed…


Lol could have been in Classic we are playing on a legion build. Which is 2 expacs after MoP.

100% Blizz wont do this because they are afraid to hurt the players feelings who joined a PvP server, Clicked accept on the warning, and trolled themselves into believing that world PvP isn’t a thing. Now blizz doesnt want to ruin the game for them.

They actually did mention something about it Here is the link,highlighted%20some%20of%20them%20below.

"Faerlina-US and Benediction-US are fake PvP realms, they’re 99% one faction each. One Horde, one Alliance, and almost equal in player size. @AggrendWoW and I kind of desperately want to clash the two realms together and turn on faction balancing.

The problem is, a very real number of people established on those realms never really wanted to deal with the reality of balanced PvP and messing with that could cause many of them to leave."

Is the reply

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The reason Blizzard didn’t do anything is because they did their research and they aren’t stupid. They know doing that will probably lose them more money than the quick cash infusion of the players resegregating themselves would earn them on the next quarterly report.

Really need to stop with this mentality that some majority of players want faction balance. They don’t.

You want World PvP roll on Grobbulus. You want more people on that realm of people who want World PvP? Start a movement like the other three movements Grobbulus had and get people in. Stop trying to force people to play in the way you want them to and making the flimsiest of excuses as to why it is okay.

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As someone who has been playing on Grobbulus the entire expansion, I can tell you it’s a dead server. To the point where many have transferred to other servers just so they have an easier time joining guild and raid groups. World PvP in Grob is dead. Tol Barad is a ghost town and unbalanced when you do find people there. Molten Front also barely has anyone, and again, is unbalanced when you do.

I believe a better server merge would be finding a pvp server that’s similar to Grob, and maybe merging those.

I would love for some Blizz server merges so I can get my characters out of Grob for free, but that’s just wishful thinking.

That isn’t a solution. The only PvP realm for the past two expansions was Grobbulus.

Hence the starting of another movement for people to roll on Grobbulus.

The alternative would be to revive/start a new PvP realm with free transfer to it from all realms while advertising it as the World PvP realm and enforcing faction balance on it.

The issue here though is that still wouldn’t get a majority of players because they don’t want that type of play, and no amount of “but they rolled on a PvP realm! Daddy Blizzard make them World PvP me!” is going to solve that. All you are going to do is piss of the majority that will either quit or leave the realm… So everyone will be unhappy.

Honestly there is no solution that would make everyone happy… so you have to go with the majority, and honestly the closest thing I have seen is the implementation of War Mode and Sharding resulting in all the World PvPers being together regardless of the realm they are on.

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All I’m saying is if they merged servers I wouldn’t want any part in grouping with Faerlina. I was over there a while and mechanically the players can be pretty bad. There’s a reason the nickname is Failena.

However this could be due to personal bias and the frequency illusion.

Lol have you played with Mankirk players?

That’s where I am now. I don’t exactly speak for the entire server nor do I defend them. I also know everyone has a server bias of some type. Whitemane this, Benediction that blah blah. There have been enough blacklist server conversations to see that.

Mega-servers are the perfect solution to most, if not all, server side issues while growing a stronger community.

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I’ve been on Grobb since day 1 of Classic launch, and I think a lot of people are just done with Cata. My guild is playing Classic Fresh and doesn’t intend to come back until MoP. I’m sure they’re not the only ones.

no one cares about wpvp

WPVP is such a joke blizz removed it with warmode

This is true but the issue is that people who knowingly joined a PvP server hit accept will cry because “world PvP is bad” they also like to use the excuses like these.

  1. “no the argument “But the realm is tagged PvP” does not matter. When they have been effectively PvE realm for three expansions. It is a PvE realm.”
  2. If World PvP is so important to you. Go roll on the realm that wants and deserves world PvP. (this one is funny because we are playing on a PvP server)
  3. Everyone hates WPVP, thats why faction dominated servers are a thing (this is also false)
  4. People make mistakes and those mistakes shouldn’t condemn them forever.
  5. it doesn’t change that they were originally designed for PvP interaction.
  6. However, the players of those realms have made it clear exactly what it is they want. (Players joined a factionally unbalanced PvP server because they had no other choice.)
  7. The current faction unbalanced realms are they way they are because those players valued the size of their faction. (this was not because blizzard didnt force facation balancing at all that is not the case here)
    This is just form today.

Megaservers are the absolute death of any form of community.

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Wait what?

The real death of any form of community is the declining player population on servers. When there are fewer players, it becomes challenging to find groups for raids, dungeons, and other activities, leading to a fragmented and less engaging community.

Megaservers, on the other hand, can help consolidate the player base, ensuring that there are enough players to maintain a vibrant and active community. This can lead to more opportunities for social interactions, group activities, and a healthier in-game economy.

While some players may have concerns about the impact of megaservers on the sense of community, the benefits of having a larger, more active player base outweigh the potential downsides. A thriving player population is essential for a strong and connected community.

God bless classic so you can all get that “this game feels dead” for a second time in your wow journey.

I get that you think repeating your opinion over and over and over again is a convincing argument but I think typing IT’S A PERFECT SOLUTION in all caps would convince more people.

This is exactly what happened during OG Cata.

On your server maybe. Cata dropped from 12 million to 10 million. On the two servers I played on I didn’t even notice it. It was more noticeable on classic cata, maybe because we started from a lower population. I had to faction change to alliance because the horde pop on Atiesh died. But even now in classic Cata doesn’t seem dead on alliance Atiesh. Seems very busy to me.

Its hard say much else. The solution is mega servers. It is possible to do. Doing it is the perfect solution. Easy sell. No brainer situation.

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But why is it the solution?

What makes it so perfect?

If it’s such an easy sell why are you not selling it at all.

It’s easy for me to say why it’s not a good solution. Some people like mega-servers and some people don’t. If you don’t give people a choice some people will unsub. In a MMORPG losing players is bad for the game. Since Classic began we are slowly losing subs each expansion. For the health of the game we need to keep as many subs as possible. There needs to be some medium pop servers for those who will quit if forced onto a mega-server.